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This was also a request from Nezukouchiha13

This takes place in the future where they were able to get The Collector under control. It's been ten years and the two realms have been combined and everyone is happy.

Ships(Other than Goldric)
*Emira X Viney

I stood looking at me self in the mirror. I was wearing a white suit. I heard a voice behind me.

"Are you ready for this?" I looked over and saw my best 'woman' Luz. She was wearing a white dress with a yellow flower pattern and a headband with a yellow flower on it. Honestly she was like a sister to me. She drove me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't have it be anyone else.

"Aren't you supposed to be waiting?" I asked.

"Not for the next couple minutes. Darius sent me to make sure you were dressed." She stated looking at me.

I when back to looking at me self in the mirror.

"Honestly, if you had told me 15 years ago, heck even 10 years ago that I would get married I would have tried to kill you."

"And now?"

"I'm happier than I've ever been. I honestly couldn't be more ready to marry the man of my dreams."

I meant it all to. I was in love with Edric. The idea of being with him for the rest of my life made me happier then I can put into words.

"Well then. I'll see you soon!" She said cheerfully. I smiled as she left.

I breathed in and out. Today would be perfect, I just knew it.

After a bit Darius came to walk me down the aisle. I looked and saw everyone I cared about sitting down. I was eternally grateful for all of them. Without them who knows where I would be today. I saw my love and immediately felt heat rise to my face. He was wearing a black tuxedo. When he looked at me with those honey yellow eyes I knew he was just as happy as I was. We both took our vows and kissed.

The after party was great. Me and Edric got the first dance, and it was everything I dreamed for. It was the best night of my life. Me and Edric shared a kiss, we loved each other more then either of us could say. And we would love each other forever.


I'm back!!!!!! I decided to start of me coming back with a short chapter, only 444 words. The winner of the votes was the MLB TOH AU, so I'll be working on that in the future!!! I will try to update this once or twice every two weeks, if I don't it's because I have a bunch of homework or I have zero motivation. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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