💔🎀Frozen pt.4🎀💔

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Hunter walked down the halls following his uncle. It had been so long since he had left his room that he couldn't recognize anything surrounding him. His room had become like a separate entity from the rest of the castle, so much so that he couldn't remember anything about the palace he was supposed to call home.

Hunter kept his focus on his uncle as they walked through the halls, trying to keep his cool as he forced himself to ignore the fear he felt being outside of his room after so many years, doing everything in his power not to even glance at the the guards standing at their posts. As agonizing as this was he knew it would be nothing compared to having to stand in a room filled to the brim with people knowing one wrong move could lead him to ruining everything his uncle had done for him. Hunter's uncle stopped in front of a door, and Hunter froze along with him. 

"Hunter, you are going to go inside of there, and the ladies and men in waiting will get you ready." Hunter shrank as his uncle said this. He knew this was comingbut he was still extremely uncomfortable with it. He especially dreaded being in a room alone with a bunch of strangers who would get him ready for the evening and night ahead.

"Remember Hunter, it'll only take an hour at most. afterward you can spend the rest of the preparations with me and you won't have to do anything other than give your speech. Which you have memorized, correct?" Hunter nodded. The speech was easy to memorize, especially since he agreed with every word of it.

"Be good while I'm away, alright, my little Snowflake?" Hunter nodded and hugged his uncle before taking a deep breath and entering the room alone.


Hunter paced behind the curtain that always hung behind the thrones. Taking a peak from behind, it only fueled his discomfort and dread. There were so. Many. People. Hunter stood there for a minute, and when he looked down, he noticed the frost slowly growing from where he stood. Gosh dang it!! Hunter kicked and spread the frost, hoping it was enough. He froze when he heard his uncles voice.

"Now I know all about your worries and complaints around my nephew Hunter, the heir to the throne. So today, after 10 years out of the public eye, I want to introduce my nephew. Hunter Wittebane!!"

Hunter took a deep breath and came out from behind the curtains, walking over to his uncle. Despite wanting to run in the other direction, he looked over at his subjects and gave them his best smile.

"Hello everyone! I know it's been a long time since you've seen me, but I want to assure you I'm doing fine. King Belos, my uncle, has done nothing but keep me safe after the tragedy surrounding my parents. I'm sorry that you were so worried. Honestly, I prefer being out of the public eye. It's honestly really stressful having to present myself in front of you all." There was some chuckling at Hunters words, and his smile brightened.

"I promise everything will be fine! You all don't need to worry about me. When the time comes, I'll take my place on the throne. Until then, I'm content staying in the palace and allowing my uncle to rule. Thank you all, and enjoy the gala." Hunter bowed to the people in the ballroom, and when he looked up, he was given loud applause. It only makes his smile brighter.

As the gala started, Hunter was taken from place to place. Everyone wanting to talk to and see him after so long. After a bit, Hunter walked over to the refreshments table to get some water. He was exhausted but also happy. He loved being out of his room and being around his subjects. Smiling so much, his mouth started hurting.

"Hunter?" That voice... Hunter turned to see a boy he had almost forgotten about, almost.

"Edric?" Hunter asked, looking at the yellow eyed greenhead he hadn't seen since he was 5.

"It's so good to see you again, Hunter!" Edric said excitedly, wrapping Hunter into a tight hug.

"You too!!" Hunter said with a large grin.  "How have things been with Emira and Amity? I haven't seen Amity since she was a toddler!"

"Oh their doing great! Emira is even engaged!"


"Yep, to this girl named Viney. They met each other when they were 7, and it was love at first sight!" Hunter giggled at this. It was as if him and Edric had never been apart and were still as close as they were when they were children. "Amity grew into a young lady with an attitude and a girlfriend she's head over heels for. In fact, I can introduce you to all of them if you want."

"I would love that Ed!"

"Then let's go!!"

Hunter spent the rest of the gala with Edric. when Edric grabbed his gloved hand, he could feel his cheeks heating up. When Edric gave him that perfect smile, Hunter felt the room temperature go up several degrees. As Edric introduced him to the hirls and Emira messed with his hair like she always used to do as children. Hunter could almost imagine himself living like this the rest of his life. Being so close to the boy he had missed with every fiber of his being after so long. Without even realizing it, Hunter caught himself silently wishing this night would never end.

Because this small taste of freedom was the most alive Hunter could ever remember feeling.


928 words. Alrighty then.

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