🎀🌟💖Royalty pt.2💖🌟🎀

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Hunter was in shock. The last few hours were a blur, after the messenger has dropped that bombshell he was escorted to the carriage that had been brought specifically for him and since he had been riding alone in silence. Hunter couldn't think or move, he was just frozen in his seat staring at the carriage floor. Hunter wasn't ready for that, how could he have been ready!? Hunter was never told about this 'vote'. Though the reason why made sense he couldn't believe that Queen Camila and Alador hadn't even hinted that it had happened. Did they vote for him to continue being a guard or to be given his throne? Hunter didn't even know how he would feel about it either way. Not to mention how they were told about it! Hunter had been told it would be a private thing when he would go home. This was the opposite of private! it was stated in the middle of dinner when every single royal was in the room. It was basically stated loudly for everyone to hear. When he was escorted out he remembered feeling everyone staring at him, he hated being the center of attention. The reactions... Hunter felt himself start to shake. Oh my gosh how would they all react!? Hunter felt the gasps of Emira, Edric, and Amity filling his ears. Hunter couldn't bring himself to look at them after what happened... they knew. Hunter realized that suddenly. They knew that one of them was going to marry Hunter. How would they react!? Would they be happy, angry, shocked, disgusted!? Hunter had no idea. He had been relieved he had two more years to prepare himself for his future wedding. Two more years until he really needed to worry about whether or not Edric would want to marry him. Now it was thrown out the window and Hunter didn't know what to do with himself.

Hunter could feel himself starting to pant, oh gosh. What was he going to do!? How would he face Edric and Emira knowing that they now knew about the secret that him, Luz, Camila, and Alador had been keeping for years!? Hunter knew they would know one day, but he hadn't wanted it to be like this!! Hunter had been preparing himself to look as good as possible when it was revealed. To actually look like a prince so they would hopefully see him as one. Now it had been revealed while he was still in his dirty armor, with eye bags from his countless nights standing outside Luz's door during the night, his scars painfully obvious, and his hair a complete mess. Speaking of Luz....

How was she taking this? No doubt Amity was angry with her for keeping such a big secret and lying to her. Come to think about it Hunter wouldn't be surprised if the dining room had turned into a screaming match after he left. That made him feel worse. Luz and him had been excited for when they could finally hang out normally instead of having their friendship be a secret. But neither of them had expected this to happen! He couldn't help feeling like she was happy, if a little overwhelmed from the questions Hunter knew King Alador's children were asking. Hunter yawned and looked outside. It was dark, Hunter realized how tired he was. He laid down on the comfortable cushions of the carriage. Despite his racing mind Hunter passed out after a couple of minutes into deep dreamless sleep. 


Hunter groaned and buried his face into the soft bed he was lying in. He was so tired, he just wanted to go back to sleep and melt into the comfort. Then he realized something. He shouldn't be so comfortable. Hunter jolted up and looked around, he was in his room? Hunter looked around not understanding or remembering how he had gotten here, until it all hit him at once and he buried his face into his knees and started sobbing, overwhelmed by emotion. Hunter didn't know how long he cried before he heard a knock on the door. 

"Excuse me Prince Hunter?" That felt strange to Hunter. It had been two years since anyone had referred to him as a prince. Hunter wiped his tears from his face and hoped it wasn't obvious he had been crying before opening the door and being met by a maid who bowed to him, which made him uncomfortable.

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