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This is an Soulmate AU where everyone had something that they either don't have or can't do until they have had their first kiss with there SoulMate. Each person has a different one. They know what there condition is from birth. Also there humans in this.

In this AU Hunters condition is that he can't and won't feel anything(not pain, emotions, cold and warmth, ect.) until he's had his first kiss with his SoulMate. Also he is currently in the legal custody of Darius due to the fact his parents are dead and Belos was ruled as unfit to raise Hunter(and thank goodness for that) due to his condition.

Also Vee is Luz's Identical twin in this.

Ships(other than Goldric)
*Emira X Viney

Today was my first day at a new school. This was the first year of it being open. I had gotten accepted into the new private school because of the fact I was the best in old my school. It was a school you could only get into if you're either:
A. rich
B. Really smart
C. related to one of the teachers

While you were at the school you lived in dorms with roommates, the dorms ranged from 3-4 people per. With there being a common area as well as a separate room for each person in the dorm. Boys were with boys and girl were with girls. There were uniforms as well, though you got to choose the color of them(mine was gold).

I was walking through the halls, Darius had dropped me off and told me to make sure to call. He had been taking care of me since my parents death. He always tried his best and was the one who raised me most of my life.

Soon I saw the other students looking at a large board, that must be what tells us about our dorms. In front of it was keys that had the name of the person it was for labeled above them. I looked at the board and eventually found myself. I was on the boys side of the dorms in room ### with two boys named Edric Blight and Augustus Porter. I grabbed my key and started walking upstairs.

Soon I got to my dorm and unlocked the door. Sitting on the couch in our common area was a green haired boy who was a bit taller than me, had yellow eyes, black glasses, and wore a red version of the uniform, staring at his phone. He looked over at me when I entered the room and a large grin grew into his face.

"Hello there! I'm Edric what's your name?" He said waving at me as I entered the room and locked the door behind me.

"Hunter." I told him in a blank voice.

"Ooh that's a cool name!" He said excitedly.

He walked up to me and held out his hand. I took it and shook it.

"How did you get in?" He asked sitting back down, I followed and sat next to him.

"I was the top student at my old school." I deadpanned.

"Oh well that's better than why I'm here. Me and my siblings only got in cause our families loaded."

"Your last name is Blight as in-"

"Blight industries. I'm thrilled to see you recognize my family."

"Don't you have a twin and a younger sister?"

He nodded.

"Yep, but because I'm a boy they get to share a dorm with a pair of identical twins."(you all know who I'm talking about).
He told me proudly.

I just stared at him, not sure what I was supposed to say that.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked looking at me.

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