Um, What Happens Now?

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Your Pov

I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on clothes to train in. I headed downstairs and grabbed me a pop tart. I went to the training room and set my stuff down. "For a second I thought you wasn't gonna show up." Bucky joked and I just flipped him off.

"Anyways, morning Buck, Nat." I said. "Morning." they said in unison. Nat and I got in the ring first and started to train. Bucky said he's going to the restroom and that distracted me so Nat threw a fast right hook but I quickly dodged it. I threw a left hook and missed then she hit me in the stomach and laughed. I shot my web next to her foot to distract her and she looked down at it. I took my chance to kick her but she caught it and made me fall onto my back. She then pinned my hands above my head and straddled me. "Hey." I gulped. I hear my heart beating fast and i'm pretty sure she can hear it too cause of the smirk on her face.

"Hey, uh, are you okay cause your heart is beating pretty fast." Nat smirked and I nodded shifting a little.

"Are you okay, you're face is red as a cherry." I joked as I looked at her lips then made eye contact.

"Y- Yeah." she said flustered and I smirked. We held eye contact and we started to lean in a bit a closer to each other. She looked at my lips then back at me and we're now an inch away from kissing. She lets go of my hands and I slowly place them on her waist. She puts her hand on the side of my head behind my ear. As we're going to close the gap between us, we heard someone clear their throat and Natasha jumped off of me. I turned to look at Bucky who just stood there. I got up and exited the ring. I then walked up to him and pointed my finger at him. "You. saw. nothing. Got it?" I said and he nodded his head.

"I saw nothing." he stated while smiling. "How bout we cut training a bit short." Nat suggested.

"Yeah, I agree. I agree." Bucky sighed happily and I went to grab my stuff. "Bye guys." Nat said and she left.

"Well, i'm gonna go now. Bye Y/n" Buck stated and went to leave. "Tell no one!" I yelled after him and he turned around.

"Why not?" he laughed. "Cause, nothing happened. Nothing." I stated. "Ok, I won't tell anyone." he said and we left the training room. I went straight upstairs to my room and took a shower. After I got out I saw Clint sitting on my bed. "What you doing here?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"I just came from Nat's room." Clint stated and I looked at him. "So you know?" I asked and he nodded.

"We didn't kiss, but we almost did." I said. "So what happens now?" I asked and he smiled.

"That's the question you should be asking her." Clint said. "Go talk to her and then we can go out later today around 1:00." he added and I nodded.

"Alright, see ya." I said and we left my room. I got in the elevator and made my way to Natasha's room. As I got to her room, I knocked on her door and she opened it. "Hey uh. Ca- Can we uh, talk?" I asked and she nodded letting me in. We sat on the bed next to each other and I looked down at my hands. "So uh, the thing that happened in the training room. Um, what happens now?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Y/n." she sighed before continuing. "I really want to be with you, but, the thing is, i'm scared. I'm scared that i'll mess this up or i'll get my heart broken and I don't want that. But I am so in love with you and that's the reason i'm willing to try right now. I want to give you a chance. I want to give us a chance." Nat admitted.

"I want to be with you as well and I honestly thought that you wouldn't feel the same. I was scared and always thought we'll be better as friends but it only made me love you more. I'm in love with you Natasha and I would gladly give us a chance. So will you go on a date with me?" I stated and she nodded.

"Yes, I would love to." she said and smiled. "And could we maybe, take things slow?" she asked.

"Yes, of course." I said and she smiled. "I'll come here tonight at 8:00 and we can go on our date." I stated.

"Sounds great." Nat said and we smiled. I got up and walked to her door. "I'll see you tonight and you can wear something nice." I said stepping out of the room.

"Ok, bye." she said. "Bye." I stated and smiled as I left to go to Clint's room.


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