Big Brains

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Y/N Pov

"I like what you did with your hair." I told Nat when we were in the car. "Thank you." She said and I nodded. On the way there we held hands and gave each other glances every once in a while.

We arrived at Tony's place and got out the car. Tony was carrying his daughter and was about to go inside but stopped when he saw me. I waved and gave him a smile. He put his daughter down and told her to go inside. We went on his porch and he went inside to get drinks.

"So you're alive." Tony stated. "Surprise." I said and he gave me hug. "Welcome back, I guess." He said and I chuckled. "Yeah, thanks." I said. We began talking to Tony about Scott's idea.

"We know what it sounds like." I stated. "Tony, after everything you've seen is anything really impossible." Steve said.

"Quantum fluctuation messes with the plank scale which then triggers the deutsch proposition. Can we agree on that?" Tony said and handed me a drink.

"Thank you." I mumbled. "In laymen's terms, it means you're not coming home." Tony stated. "I did." Scott blurted.

"No, you accidentally survived. It's a billion to one cosmic fluke and now you wanna pull a. What do you call it?" Tony asked.

"A time heist." Scott said. "Yeah, time heist. Of course, why didn't we think of this before? Oh, because it's laughable, because it's a pipe dream." Tony stated.

"The stones are in the past. We could go back, we could get them." I told him. "We can snap our own fingers, we can bring everybody back." Nat added.

"Or screw it up worse than he already has, right." Tony said. "I don't believe we would." Steve stated.

"I've got to say this sometimes miss that giddy optimism. However, high hopes won't help if there's no logical tangible way for me to safely execute said, time heist. I believe the most likely outcome will be our collective demise." Tony said.

"Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel. That means, no talking to our past selves. No betting on sporting events." Scott said.

"I'm gonna stop you right there, Scott. Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future?" Tony asked and Scott scoffed and shook his head.

"No." Scott said. "Good. You had me worried there because that'd be crucial." Tony stated. "That's not how quantum physics works." He added.

"Tony...We have to take a stand." Natasha said. "We did stand, and yet here we are." Tony said.

"I know you got a lot on the line. You got a wife, a daughter, but I lost someone very important to me. A lot of people did and now, now we have a chance to bring her back. To bring everyone back and you're telling me that you won't even!-." Scott said but was cut off.

"That's right Scott. I won't, even. I can't." Tony stated. "Mommy told me to come and save you." Morgan said as she went in her father's arms and he picked her up.

"Good job, i'm saved. I wish you would come here to ask me something else, anything else. I'm honestly happy to see you guys but i-, oh look, table set for eight." Tony said and got up.

"Tony. I get it, and i'm happy for you, I really am, but this is a second chance." Steve stated. "I got my second chance right here cap. I can't roll the dice on it. If you don't talk shop you can stay for lunch." Tony said. He went inside and we began to walk towards the car.

"He's scared." Nat stated. "Well he's not wrong." I said. "Yeah but i mean, what are we. What are we going to do? We need him, what are we going to stop?" Scott asked.

"No, I want to do it right." Steve said and I nodded. "We're gonna need a really big brain." Thor said. "Bigger than his!?" Scott asked.

"Yep, you'd be surprised." I stated and we got in the car. Steve drove us to where we can find the big brains of the group other than Tony's. To Bruce we gooo!


¡This was not proof read!

I'm surprised I got a chapter in but i'm glad I did. This week i'm going to lacrosse so if I end up not posting then that's why but i'll try my best to post.

Anyways I want to thank you all for reading this and voting on the chapters. I really appreciate you all for doing that, thank you!

Good night/morning/afternoon and get a good sleep! Love ya!❤️


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