Whatever It Takes

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¡This was not proof read!


Steve's POV

Today was the day, the day to retrieve the stones and to get everyone back. We put on our time travel suits and then formed a circle on the platform. I stood in my spot and started my 'speech'.

"Five years ago we lost, all of us. We lost friends, we lost family, we lost a part of ourselves. Today we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each, no mistakes, no do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, but that doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful, look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives, and we're gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck."


"He's pretty good at that." Rocket said looking up at Scott. "Right." He said and I just nodded in agreement.

"Alright, you heard the man. Stroke those keys, Jolly Green." Tony told Bruce and he did.

"You promise to bring that back in one piece right?" Rocket asked Clint whose looking at his tiny spaceship in his hand. "Yeah yeah yeah yeah, okay, i'll do my best." Clint said.

"As promises go that was pretty lame." Rocket stated. Bruce got on the platform and tapped his wrist which made it beep. Natasha looked at me and said, "See you in a minute." I smiled at her then looked back down.

Our masks came over our faces and we all shrunk down into the platform. We went into each of our locations.



We ended up on Asgard of the year 2013. We make our way in and sneak pass Loki who's locked up. "Alright, here's the deal," Rocket said then points at Thor. "You're gonna charm her and I'm gonna poke her with this thing and extract the reality stone and get gone lickity split."

"Are you up for that?" I ask Thor who just looks at me. "I had a couple drinks before this." He told me and I shook my head disappointed. Before I could say anything else we heard a door open and people walking into the hall. "Sh Shh," Thor shushed us as we hid behind the wall. We then peeked to see a group of women walking and watched.

"Who's the fancy broad?" Rocket questioned making Thor reply, "That's my mother, she dies today." "Oh, that is today?" Rocket said and I frowned.

"I can't do this." Thor said taking a few steps back, starting to panic. "Come here," Rocket told him who was standing on something to make him be about the same height as Thor. "No no no, I think I'm- I'm having a panic attack." Thor stated. "Come here," Rocket said again. "This- This is ba-" "Right here," Rocket stated before slapping Thor across the face which made me jump back. "Oh shit," I gasped covering my mouth surprised by Rocket's action.

"You think you're the only one who lost people? What do you think we're doing here? I lost the only family I ever had. Quill, Groot, Drax, the chick with the antenna, all gone. I get you miss your mom but she's gone. Really gone, and there are plenty of people who are only kinda gone and you can help them. So is it too much to ask if you can sober up and help get this god damn stone? Make sure we talk to pretty pants and when she's not looking. Suck out the infinity stone and help me get my family back?" Rocket stated. "Okay," Thor replied holding back tears.

Rocket left and I came with but came back so I wouldn't just leave Thor behind. I saw turned the corner and saw him talking to his mother so I just went back to follow Rocket. We walked down the hall looking for the room.

"Where's Thor." Rocket asked me. "He's talking to his mother." I told him. "Oh great, looks like it'll just be us two." He replied and I looked down at him. "What's wrong with that?" I asked. "Nothing, let's just get this stone and get out of here." He stated.

We found the room and quietly snuck in. The girl was asleep which helped out a lot. As we stood over the girl Rocket held the thing up to me. "Here, you do it." He said trying to give it to me. "What? Why do I have to-" "Just take the damn thing Y/N." "Fine," I sighed and took the thing out of his hand.

I raised the thing slowly then stabbed it down into her leg which made her wake up. She gasped slapping me across the face. "Ow! You bitch!" I yelled.

"What are you do-" The girl started to say but I punched her, knocking her out. "Wow, that seemed personal." Rocket stated chuckling a bit. I shrugged, "She hit me first." I said to my defense.

I handed Rocket the thing and we started heading back to Thor. We stepped out to the hall and walked. "Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" Someone said and we turned around and looked who said that. He was a guard since he had a weapon in his hand so we began to run as the guard chased after us.

We ran straight down then made two left and a right busting through double doors to finally get to Thor. "Hi," I said out of breath. "You must be mom." Rocket stated and Thor's mom waved at us. "Well sorry to interrupt, but Thor we got the thing come on we gotta move." I said apologetically.

"Oh, I wished we had more time." Thor sighed. "Oh, this was a gift. Now you go and be the man you're meant to be." His mom told him while grabbing both of his hands. "I love you mom." Thor smiled. "I love you," She stated then giving him a hug.

"Come on, we gotta go." I said before putting the dates in on my wrist. Rocket started to count down "3,..2,-" "No wait!" Thor yelled cutting him off. He then stick his hand in the air just holding it up. "Wh- What am I looking at?" Rocket asked completely confused. "Oh, sometimes it takes a second." Thor's mom said. After a second passed Mjolnir appeared in Thor's hand making him smile brightly. "I'm still worthy," He whispered and I looked down at Rocket who was completely bewildered. He shook his head and tapped a button on his wrist and that formed our suit on our body.

"Bye mom," Thor said. "Goodbye," She said and with that I pressed the button sending us back home.


All the teams arrived back at the compound on the platform and our suits came off. "Did we get them all?" Bruce asked looking around. "Are you telling me this actually worked?" Rhodey stated.

I stepped down looking around for Natasha. Then we turned around to see Clint step down from the platform with a blank expression, I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Did you get the stone?" Tony asked. Clint replied,

"I got the soul stone, but Natasha..she- um she-"



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