I Love You Always

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¡This was not proof read!



"I got the soul stone, but Natasha..she- um she-" Clint started but before he could finish Natasha appeared from behind him stepping down from the platform and he looked at her. She just looked at the ground not saying anything. "What- what happened? Clint?" I asked him but he just looked at Nat. "Natasha? What's wrong? What is it?" I asked her then she looked up at me. "I should've have told you sooner, im sorry." Nat admitted. "Tell me what?" I asked.

Natasha didn't say anything so Clint spoke up, "On Vomir, there was this red floating guy. He said that in order to get the stone then there has to be "a soul for a soul" and yet here we are. Natasha and I are alive and well and we have the stone." "Okay, that's good. Or am I missing something? Like could someone just please tell me what's going on!?" I asked getting frustrated.

"Wait did he give you the stone willingly?" Steve spoke up and Clint nodded. "Well there has to be some sort of reason for that, right?" Bruce asked. "Yeah, Natasha is-" Clint was saying but Nat cut him off.

"He let us go because somehow in someway he knew that I was- that I am- I'm pregnant." She told us.

I wanted to say something but I was stunned, speechless. "Y/N, please say something." Nat whispered walking up to me placing her hand on my cheek.

"Wh- when-, when did you find out?" I asked her. "Last night before we went to bed." She told me and my eyes widened. "I was going to tell you but I didn't want you to worry, Y/N." Nat continued.

"Worry? It doesn't matter if you didn't want me to worry or not, Natasha. That is my child you're carrying and I just wish you would have told me because I would've stopped you from going with Clint and risk putting our child in danger." I stated. "How else would we have gotten that stone willingly Y/N?" She asked and I sighed.

"But you didn't know that he would give the stone to you guys willingly." I stated. "Yeah you're right Y/n, I'm sorry." Nat said and she pulled me in for a kiss then touched our heads together. "So this is really happening?" Nat whispered. "Yeah I guess so." I said smiling pulling her in for a kiss.

"Wow. I'm stunned, anyone else?" Tony joked looking around at everyone. "Anyways, I hate to break up the little moment but we have work to get back to." He added making us pull away. "Right," I nodded.


Tony found a way to put the stones together and make an infinity gauntlet like what Thanos had. "So, you think this will work?" I asked questioned him. "Let's find out." Tony stated.

All of us were now in a room deciding whether Thor or Bruce should be the one to snap. "I should be the one to do it." Bruce argued. "I agree. Out of all the people in this room, Bruce is the only one strong enough to take it. It will burn him but he will survive and heal from it. For you Thor, there's only a 50 to 50 chance that you'll survive and i'm not going to let you take that risk. So it has to be Bruce." I stated which made everyone look at me.

"Thank you Y/N! Finally someone understands other than Tony." Bruce said and I nodded proudly. We all agreed to let Bruce snap so we took cover as he put on the gauntlet. He screamed as it wrapped around his hand which made me look away. I feel bad that he had to do it but it had to be him.

"Ready?" Bruce asked. "Do it." Steve told him and with that, Bruce snapped his fingers causing a sound wave to push us back. We all looked at each other wondering if it had worked. Suddenly, we heard a phone ringing. Clint pulled out his phone and held it up showing us that it was Laura who was calling him. "It worked." He chuckled out. "We did it!" Bruce said.

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