Chapter 25

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The car ride to the party was quiet and awkward. After we dropped off Max not a single word was said between us. I had no idea if Billy had agreed with what I had told him or if he was just choosing to ignore it. We parked a few houses down from Tina's and walked in silence until we reached the party that was already raging. Music was blaring, there was already a mess of red cups scattered all over the front lawn. Normally I would jump right in and join the fun but I was too worried about Billy. He was storming off into the party a few feet ahead of me. His shoulders were tense, I could tell he was angry and it worried me. This was exactly the problem, I wanted to take time apart so I could figure out what I wanted but all I could think about was how upset he was.

He walked through the door and every girl who wasn't already drunk noticed him instantly. I took a few steps in not knowing if I should follow him or not. He was on his way to the kitchen obviously to grab a drink. I really wanted one too but I needed to keep some distance between us.

"Hey you came!" Nancy yelled as she ran over and gave me a hug.

I just stood there for a few seconds before she let me go. I was not a hugger and was uncomfortable with contact. I did not know if I was always like this or if it was something that made me nervous because of Billy and our situation.

"Oh course. Where else would I be?" I asked her.

"Definitely not trick or treating." Steave answered from Nancy's side.

I was not sure what the two of them were supposed to be but Nancy was wearing a white sweater and skirt and Steve was dressed in all black with black glasses. The two of them already had cups in their hands. Steve had a large smile on his face as he bobbed a little to the music. Nancy did not look like she was in that great of a mood.

"I love your costume." Nancy said to me as she took another sip of her drink.

"What are you supposed to be?" Steve asked me.

"Carrie." I answered him.

"Who?" He asked the two of us.

"How do you not know who Carrie is?" Nancy asked him then stormed off to the kitchen to pour herself another drink.

"Is she okay?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure." He answered as we both looked after him.

"You should go after her." I told him.

"Will you be okay on your own?" He asked me, surprising me.

Why would he care if I'm okay? He doesn't even know me.

"Yeah my stepbrothers around here somewhere." I answered him.

He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't.

"What?" I asked him.

"I haven't had the privilege of meeting Billy yet but from what I heard he's not that nice of a guy." He said.

"Well you don't know him! So shut the fuck up!" I told him before storming off.

He wasn't wrong. Billy isn't nice but he doesn't even know him. No one knows him and they're already judging him. Now he's angry and alone because I told him I needed some time. I needed to find him. I looked around the room and found him with some girl dancing on his lap while he sat on the couch. He had a cigarette in one hand and a red cup in another. His eyes were glued onto me with an angry stare on his face. I couldn't understand why he would be angry. He was the one with another girl sitting on his lap. I had to take a deep breath to stop myself from falling apart.

I wanted a few days to think about what our next move would be. What I want vs what I need not to push him into the arms of another girl. I let out a long breath and headed into the kitchen to get some of the spiked punch. I wasn't even done filling my cup when Billy was at my side. I could feel him and tell he was there without even having to turn around.

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