Chapter 58

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We walked through the woods for another fifteen minutes or so while Lucas and Dustin gave us a complete run down on the history of the lab. The more I learned about this town the more I wanted to go home get Billy and run the fuck away from it. This is not a safe place to live and if our parents can't see that then maybe I would just take Max and run. They probably wouldn't even care if the three of us disappeared tonight. The end of the tree line was finally in sight and as the group of us walked through we could see a shadow off in the distance.

"Hello!" A male voice called out to us. "Who's there?" The voice called again.

A second shadow stepped next to the first and the voice sounded strangely familiar to me but I was too tired to try and place it.

When we got a little closer we could see that it was Nancy and Jonathan. They were standing very close together and it looked like they were holding hands. Steve dropped the flash light and the two of them were able to see us now.

"Steve?" They both yelled out at the same time.

"Nancy?" Steve asked as he took a step closer to him.

"Jonathan." Dustin said as he followed after Steve.

"What are you doing here?" Nancy asked us.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her back as our group and they started walking towards each other.

"We're looking for Mike and Will." Nancy told him when our two groups met.

"Oh my god Leslie, what happened to you?" Nancy asked.

"It's a long story..." I started to say but Dustin cut me off.

"They're not in there, are they?" Dustin asked.

"We're not sure." Nancy answered.

"Why?" Nancy asked.

Before any of us could even try to explain what was going on, monsters started screaming and screeching from inside the lab. The lights inside the building started flashing on and off.

"That's why?" I answered.

"We have to get inside." Jonathan said as he started walking towards the lab.

"It's not that simple." Steve told him as he tried to get in his way.

"What's going on?" Nancy asked as the rest of us followed after Jonathan.

"There's a bunch of demo-dogs in there." Dustin told her.

"Demo-what?" She asked.

"They're like teenage Demogorgons." Lucas told her.

"They did this to me." I added in.

"Have you seen Will?" Jonathan asked us frantically.

"We haven't seen Will..." Lucas was saying "We haven't seen him sense..." Dustin was saying at the same time.

"The power's back." Nancy called out.

All of us stopped talking and looked to see that she was telling the truth.

"Jonathan help me with Leslie." Steve said.

Jonathan quickly got on my other side and flung my arm over his shoulder like I had with Steve. He positioned his arm around my waist and the two boys kinda lifted me up. Once they had a good grip on me the entire group started running down the hill and towards the main entrance. When we reached the garud booth where Nancy and Jonathan had left the car Jonathan passed me back to him and he went inside and started pressing a button to open the gate. Nothing happened.

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