2. 4 First Battle

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Hayama's POV

That means, my group will be fighting class 2-A.

I took a moment to observe the silver-haired girl; she didn't say much during the conversation, but her words were always approved by the other three class leaders.

Not only that, but it appeared that only one person was in charge of the conversation.

True or not, but it was clearly controlled by Ayanokouji. Even if Ichinose is the SCP of ANHS, why is Ayanokouji ruling behind it?

Aside from that, I recall a previous agreement between Hikigaya and Ayanokouji.

I can see Hikigaya's discomfort right now, which means he's been betraying Sobu all along.

Basically I don't mind if Hikigaya and Ayanokouji build a partnership, but after thinking about the disadvantage of our current position, I have to cut ties between the two of them.

Ayanokouji is a dangerous person in whom I have lost faith.

"That's all we can offer. We'll conclude the meeting here, and we'll see you tomorrow."

Our first meeting ended quickly, and the four ANHS class leaders dispersed and left.

Meanwhile, we are, Sobu leaders remained gathered with solemn expressions.

I personally made certain that all four of ANHS students had left before speaking again. The silence was broken when Hikigaya knocked on the table.

"So, how should we go about defeating them?"


Kiyotaka POV

The first fight between ANHS students and Sobu begins with Bo-taoshi. Basically, we have to compete with the division of "all participants" and "recommended participants".

However, Bo-taoshi, as the first competition, will be the opening event and will be broadcast live by the media.

Therefore, to fulfill the game of terms from Bo-taoshi, the four classes from A to D will unite as one grade. So there would only be three battles; between the first, second, and third years of each school.

Bo-taoshi is an unusual sport which is a capture-the-flag-like game. Bo-taoshi translates to "bring pole down".

Teams are divided into two groups where first are the attackers and the others are the defenders. The defenders will start to defend their own pole while the attackers will position to get to the other team's pole.

The team's strategy is a key component of any game.

Traditionally, the defensive team has five types of players.

The first is the Saru, who sits on top of the pole and uses his weight to keep the pole upright, in addition to kicking off any attackers that reach the top. He is the last line of defense and is the most critical member of the game.

There are also pole supporters, who stand against the base of the pole and hold it in an upright position.

Two other positions are the barrier and interference defenders. The barrier defenders are the outer shell that protects and surrounds the pole, while the interference disrupts the attackers who find their way through the barrier.

Lastly, there are the scrum disablers, which try to eliminate the scrum offenders, which brings us to the offending roles.

The traditional offense has two types of players, the scrum and the pole attackers.

Both are instrumental to the other. The first line of offenders are known as the scrum. Their main goal is to contest the front line of the defense, and allow the pole attackers to use them as a stepping stone or springboard, so they can climb and jump over them in a leap towards the pole.

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