19- Cake Cake Cake Cake

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(Ada's POV)

"Miss Ada, are you listening?" My teacher asked me.

"Yes professor. You divide the numerator by the coefficient. Then you multiple the exponent with the product from before." I replied.

"Good job Ada." He said shockingly.

Smh. He thought I didn't know math. But I can't focus on school today! It's my birthday and Ashley hasn't said anything to me yet. I know I sound selfish but she always calls me at midnight. Maybe I'm just expecting too much.

*Whatever sound they use to end class*

"Ok class, don't forget about the quiz on Monday."

I walked out of the classroom and to the host room. Wonder what they have planned today. Ashley was telling me something about a royals theme. I opened the door but it was all very dark and quiet. What's going on?

"Ashley?" I called out. "Host people?"


"This does not seem right...." I said as I pulled out my phone.

"Hello? Hey Ashely.....I can't understand you.....What do you mean?.....He did what now?......Wait, are you ok?.....library? Ok I'll go find her." I shut my phone and headed towards the library.

"Haruhi!" I slammed open the door.

"Yes Ada?" Haruhi was clutching her heart.

"Ashley and Tamaki got into a car crash. She said to find you and go to his house." I grabbed her hand.

"How are we going to get there?" She asked.

"Haruhi, I'm rich. We can take my limo." I sighed.

We ran into the limo and rushed to their house. After twenty minutes of driving, we finally reached his house. We entered his house.

"Tamaki?! Ashley?!" We both yelled.

*cue fairy tale theme song but in ringtone format*

"Hello? Ashley! Where are you? Left hallway? Fourth door on the right? Got it! Don't die cousin!" I cried into the phone.

"Come on." Haruhi sighed.

We walked down the dark hallway until we came to the fourth door. We opened it up to darkness. I was about to call Ashley when the lights turned on, blinding me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADA!" People cheered.

"Whut? I thought Ashley was dying?" I was so choked.

"Hi Ada!" Ashley peeked out. "I wanted to make your birthday special this year! Sorry I didn't get to call last night!" She came and hugged me.

"Wait....so Tamaki and you aren't like dying?" I asked.

"Haha, no. We're fine." Tamaki hugged Ashley from behind. (AN: RELATIONSHIP GOALS. OMIOGD <3)

"Wow.....that was rude....Well I'm going to go dance." I said.

The music was loud and I was dancing my heart out. This is all too perfect! I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Honey senpai smiling at me.

"Happy birthday Ada chan!" He said as he handed me a bag.

"Awe! Thank you honey senpai!" I felt the blush reach my face.

I opened the present and saw a little blue bunny. I picked it out of the bag. It looked exactly like usa chan.

"I thought we could have matching bunnies!" He giggled.

"It's so cute!" I stared down at it, smiling.

I felt something warm press against my cheek. I look up and saw Honey senpai's eyes closed. Omiogosh. Too much. He lingered for a moment longer before the warmth left my cheeks. He looked me in the eye before walking away. Can we agree that that was the best thing ever?

"Ada!" Ashley called my name.

She ran over to me and gave me a big hug. She too had a bag in her hands. She threw the bag at me, which messed with my balance and of course, I feel. I opened the bag and saw a diamond necklace, a Mickey Mouse onesie, and concert tickets to Ed Sheeran.

"Awwwwwwe, Ashley!" I gave her a huge hug.

"I know I don't say this often but I love you so much and I have no idea where I would be with you! You're basically my sister and I can tell you half my problems and you would still be there for me. We do tend to get rough spots but I'm so glad that we can work things out. You instantly brighten up my day! I love you Ada!" She hugged me again.

"Stop that. I might start crying." I sniffed.

We hugged and hugged until everyone started to hug us and then it was just one big group hug. A little sweaty but I wouldn't change this for the world.
AND THATS A WRAP! Ok so it is actually my best friends birthday so I thought I would just write this real quick and it's like one of the shortest chapters but that's ok!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sillyt3 I really hope you have an amazing day! I'm always lost about everything and you've helped me find my way! We did have a few rough spots but we were able to fix it and I'm really glad we did. I'm so proud to call you my friend and I really hope you have a wonderful day! 😘😘😘

Peace. Love. Something about a girl scout.


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