5.1-The twins fight

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Hello my fellow mortals.

I got 44 reads today! yay!

Ok so this is chapter 8 and as you can tell by the title, it's about the twins fighting. TO THE STORY WE GO!!!!


(Ashley's pov)

I just finished another long day and was heading towards the host room. Dance went on longer than expect so I was kinda late for host hours. Right when I walked in, the twins were harassing Haruhi. I overheard the twins saying if Haruhi lost in "guess which is Hikaru" game then they get to go to her house.

"Ha! Have fun with the boys at your house Haruhi!" I exclaimed.

"Oh no Ashley. If I lose then they get to come to both of our houses." Haruhi replied with an evil grin.

"You better win." I said.

"Pssst....Ashely!" I heard someone say.

I turned around and saw Tamaki wearing glasses, a hat, and a very big overcoat. Why was he trying to disguise himself. And what did he want with me?

"Ashley! Can daddy come over to your house?" he ask.

"No." I held my arms to make a big X.

"Why not?"

"Because you will be over dramatic."

"I think you like Ashley, Hikaru." I heard Kaoru say. I tuned into the convo.


"So that how y'all think of me......an international rat....that's great.." I said while tears brimmed my eyes.

I quickly yet quietly, grabbed my stuff and headed towards the doors. I knew Akio would still be here so I went to go look for him. It seemed like years before I found him in Library #2.

"AKIO!" I cried.

He turned around and looked at me confused. But once he say my tears, his face was filled with compassion and anger. I hugged him and cried into his shoulder.

"What happened??" he asked.

"The host only think if me as an "international rat". I HATE THEM!" This caused me to cry even harder.

"Come on. Let's go get Haruhi and then some ice cream. Does that sound good?" he said while crouching down to give me a piggy back ride.

"Yea!" I said while climbing onto his back.

Unfortunately, we had to go back to the host room. The host club just ended so there would be no guest around. Thank god! Akio opens the door and we walked towards Haruhi. I refused to talk to anyone except her and Akio.

"ASHLEY!! YOU CAME BACK!" Tamaki screamed.

"..........." I stared into his eyes.

"Come on Haruhi. We're planning to get ice cream." Akio said while putting me down.

"Ashley......Please don't be mad at us." Tamaki pleaded.

"Come on Ashley!" Akio yelled.

"Ashley....please." Tamaki said while grabbing my wrist.

".......Senpai.....just leave me alone." and with that, I left the club room.

We decided to go to YogurtVille for some frozen yogurt. Haruhi started to explain how the twins treated us like toys and how she was able to tell them apart and then it all went downhill from there.

After yogurt, we dropped Haruhi off at her place. Thank god we brought some fro-yo for Aiji. I handed the hyper child his yogurt and headed towards my room. I changed and go ready for bed but I had one thing left to do. I pulled out my phone and started texting Tamaki.

"Hey senpai! I'm sorry for overreacting earlier about what Hikaru called me. And I'm super sorry for telling you to leave me alone..I don't ever want you to leave me. Anyways! I'm sorry for any trouble I caused today!" I hit send.

Almost five minutes later, he replied back saying "It's ok my sweet daughter! I would've been mad if someone called me that too! Don't you ever worry, I'll never leave you! 😘 Daddy says goodnight to his angel."

HE IS SOOOO CUTE!!! OMIGLOB!!! I text him back saying "Goodnight daddy." and hooked my phone to its charger. I was worried about tomorrows outcome. Are the twins still fighting? How far will they go? I guess I'll find out tomorrow.



So this is part uno and it's really short because I wanted to update faster since I took forever with my last chapter. Anyways I'll try to get part two up soon.

Me-MORI!! COME READ THIS!! *hands Mori a paper*

Mori-Stay tuned for more

Me-good mori! here, have a cookie!


Peace. Love. Something about a Girl Scout.


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