Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep beep

Dave rolled over in bed. "Stupid alarm clock.." He muttered, before hitting the snooze button.

There was a knock at his door. "Dave." It was Bro. "Wake up." Dave groaned and rolled over, Bro had obviously heard this and walked away, only soon to come back and enter Dave's room, with one of his infamous smuppets.

Bro walked over to Dave and stuck the puppet in Dave's face. "Hey Dave," Bro said, Dave opened his eyes and screamed. Bro wad laughing. "Get up, first day of school." Bro walked out if the room leaving Dave to get ready.

Dave sat up and grabbed his shades, then walked over to his closet and pulled out his favourite shirt, it was white and red and had a broken record on the front. He pulled on some jeans, grabbed his shoes and walked out of his room.

Bro was in the kitchen and Lil Cal was sitting at the table staring at Dave. "Mornin'.." Dave muttered walking past Bro, still sour aftet the puppet incident. He grabbed a bowl and poured himself some cereal.

"Hey Dave..." Bro said turning to Dave. Dave looked up at him, stuffing his face with cereal. "I just want you to remember one thing before going to school." Bro looked worried, which made Dave worried because Bro rarely worried. "Yeah? What is it?"

"Just remember to keep the fire stuff of yours a secret for know okay?" Dave stared at him, he kept forgetting about that, although it hadn't happened since that day when he was a kid.

"Uh.. Sure." Dave put his empty bowl in the sink and slipped into his shoes. There was a knock at the door. "Oh." Dave grabbed his bag. "That should be Rose." He walked over to the door and grabbed the handle before turning around. "Bye."

Burning Love ~ A johndave fanficWhere stories live. Discover now