Chapter 6

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"Dave I've told you already I'm perfectly fine." Rose tried to convince Dave again, but he had spent to rest of the day up to lunch freaking out. He had, in his mind, hurt Rose and he felt terrible about it.

Rose, Karkat, Jade and Dave all sat underneath the large tree in the yard at lunch. "Dave you can't blame yourself for this." Jade said with a weak smile. "Yeah it was that blond bitch's fault." Karkat half yelled, hoping she was somewhere nearby to be offended.

Dave brought his knees up to his chest. He felt terrible. Not only had he *almost* hurt Rose but the school would have to call his brother about the incident. "Bro's gonna be pissed." Dave muttered, not knowing what else to say.

"Uhm... Hey! Why don't I try find John again? We could all use some cheering up..." Rose nodded. "I think that's a good idea. I'll come with you."

The two girls stood up and left, leaving Karkat and Dave by themselves.

"Hey listen." Karkat said quieter then usual. "Don't let that bitch get to you. What happened today wasn't your fault..." "Rose could have been killed."

"But she wasn't! Don't be so hard on yourself for what happened. It was just...a little ...burp. Yeah. That's exactly what it was. A fucking burp."

Dave laughed. "A burp? Really man? Out of everything you relate it to a burp?"

"Hey shut the fuck up it's the best i could think of!" Dave kept laughing.

Burning Love ~ A johndave fanficWhere stories live. Discover now