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6 months later
Everything has been amazing. My brand was a great success and I had the support of my friends, family, boyfriend and even my son and Shadow.

I still talk to Lio, but only as friends. Zach hates it, he just doesn't want to tell me what to do which I really appreciate.

We went to Jamaica for a week, saw the rest of my family, caught up with my mom and she loved her grandson and son-in-law. Everyone in my neighborhood was shocked to see me with a white boy and a mixed baby because they knew I went overseas to study. I think what shocked them the most though was my appearance. Expensive car, expensive clothes. Zach even stated building a much bigger house for my family to live in. They were so grateful and so am I.

I'm making mad money now. Not as much as Zach of course but it is something and I'm very proud of myself and grateful to all who helped me reach this point.

"Babe." Zach whispers.

I turned,"Yes papi?"

We're currently in Venice, Italy and I absolutely love it here.

It was Zach's idea to come here for a little getaway weekend to get a little alone time.

Don is at his grandparents' along with Shadow.

"We need to get ready or we're gonna miss our reservation."he kisses my forehead.

It's evening time and we're in bed because someone had me busy the whole day. He was fully charged and the atmosphere here is just one you can't resist making love in.

"Ok." I laugh. He was stroking his hand on my naked thigh slowly going up to my core.

I quickly run to the bathroom to get ready.

I put on an elegant but sexy, black dress Zach picked out for me and added some gold jewelry. Zach decided to wear all black too, he wanted us to match which is very rear in our case. I did love the idea though.

"You ready neonata?"he asked.


We're on a nice yacht, it has scented candles lit, roses and a beautiful dinner set up.

This man goes all out for me and I love it. I love him. That's why I plan to surprise him with a gift tonight.

The boat was smoothly cruising on the water that for a second I forgot where we were.

He hired a captain, a server and a photographer. I taught he wanted a little privacy but I guess it's necessary so I really don't have a problem.

We got our food and finished eating.

We're now sipping on white wine, our favorite.

I think now is a good time to give him my gift.

"Babe."I look at him with my sweetest smile.

"Yes, love?" He answers.

"I just want to say thank you so much for this. You always go above and beyond for me and I love you so much."I almost started crying.

"Oh baby, don't cry."he wipe the tear from my eyes.

Before I could continue he went down on one knee before me.

"Oh my God."I slapped my hand to my mouth.

My heart is racing, what is he doing?

Is this real? Maybe he's just tying his shoe? He wore dress shoes he doesn't have laces.

"Zach what are you doing?"I ask.

He took ahold of my left hand and smiled,"Well, it seemed as if you were about to give a better speech than me and we can't have that. Not tonight. We can't have you outshining my speech baby."

He laughs again and I laugh along with him but I'm still nervous asf.

Zach stand up!

"Amy North,"

Oh God

"The first time I saw you was virtually and at that moment I was just thinking with my dick. I then met you in person and I wanted you but what I didn't know was that, that want would soon turn into need. It took no time for me to fall inlove with you, Amy. You changed me and I don't know if it's for the best because you make me want to kill anyone who so much as touches you the wrong way. You are the mother of my child and the rest to come. You're like my very own miracle from God. I was lost Amy, so lost that I was just going through life not thinking, not caring, not expecting anything. You made me start living, you made me excited to wake up to see another day... you made me want to see another day because I know that I'd be spending that time with you and our family. I want that forever, I want you forever. I want our love forever. Now, I know that sometimes I'm hard to deal with and I maybe make you want to rip out your perfect hair which I love very much but I promise you all I want is to make you happy and I try my best to not get on your nerves 24/7. Amy, I'm not the best or most ideal guy on this earth but for you there's nothing I wouldn't do so as I kneel here today on this fine evening at this beautiful place, I'm asking you to bless me one more time by being my wife. Amy North, will you marry me and make me the literal happiest man alive?"he spoke every word with utter love and he even started shedding tears.

Leave that for the wedding papi.

I started crying but it was tears of joy. I never taught someone would want to marry me. If I ever taught of it I would tell myself that it's only for the movies or people that just wasn't me.

Amy what are you doing? Answer this man.

I got down with him,"Yes, I will. It would be my honor to marry you, Zachery Lane. I love you more than you could ever fathom babe. You are the only person I could see myself with throughout all my days, both living and dead. I choose you too baby. Always have and I always will."

"I love you, Amy."he cried and placed the beautiful ring on my finger. The diamond was big and the ring itself was breathtaking. I loved it.

We kiss and I now understand why the photographer is here.

We sit and we're both balling our eyes out. When did Zach became a cryer?

"Babe, I was gonna surprise you with a customized Rolex." I laugh.

Oh, he definitely outshined my little gift.

I give him the box. He opened it and smile.

"I love it, my love but you already surprise me everyday with your beauty."he kisses my cheek.

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