Chapter 37

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"So the group is now divided into two?" Elora asked as I returned to their room. The rest of the group is still down talking about their plans. Natasha and Olivia are really convinced that they want to go to the camp while Sebastian is still trying to persuade them not to.

"Apparently." I replied now eating my share of mac and cheese as I joined her at the bed just staring at nowhere.

"Then if they want to leave we should just let them. It's their choice anyway."

"Yes but we can't just let them go there without making sure that they are safe."

Elora just shrugged, "If they are willing to take the risk, why not?"

"You're agreeing with them?"

"Like I said, it's their choice, Myla. We can't force them to stay if they don't want to. Besides we only have enough supplies to come around. And..." she trailed off before shaking her head, "Never mind."

I furrowed my brow skeptically, "What is it?"

"It's nothing. What did you find about the map and the blue print?"

I wanted to ask what she was about to say earlier but I didn't want to push it and just said, "It is the location that we are looking for. Apparently Vince had found it under a pile of old boxes. It looks like the project was supposed to be dismissed but they somehow changed their minds."

"Hmm." Elora said nodding, "That's suspicious."

"It is. What really happened?"

"We don't know. But we have our own problems right now. We should focus on that instead. How are they doing with the wall?"

"Not good. Everyone is low morale after what happened earlier. They're just out there doing nothing."

"I think I just know what to do to help."


Elora didn't say immediately and just smiled, "Leave it to me."

For the rest of the day everyone just got busy disinfecting everything. Everyone agreed to go inside after knowing that we are all exposed already and it doesn't change anything. We'll be more in danger out there being out in the open. However we are to still keep some distance from each other and make sure to report to anyone if suddenly we feel symptoms.

"Come on everyone, let's go." Elora said with glee as we all gathered in the kitchen. We all just stood there in a circle watching her as she stayed in the middle.

"What are we doing?" Natasha asked, crossing her arms to her chest irritated. She looked unimpressed with how excited Elora is. If I didn't know that she is doing this for us I'd feel like my best friend is also being insensitive right now after what happened earlier.

"Take each one." Elora replied, giving away each one of us a white candle. The other looked at her with furrowed brows as I sucked in a breath as a memory flashed inside my head. That very first day. The very first day that I got out. The very first day that I realized that I was alive and I am not one of 'them'.

"What is this?" Sebastian asked as I shook the thoughts from my mind.

"We're going to have a vigil. For our friends Olivia and Theo."

Suddenly the confused expression now morphed with sadness as everyone was reminded of what happened. Everyone fell into silence as Elora continued to distribute the candle and I lit them up. It was Logan who was the first to speak.

"That's a good idea Elora thank you for this."

Elora didn't say anything and just smiled before stepping back as I finally finished lighting the last one which is Olivia's.

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