"A selfie together"

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Emily sat on the boyfriend's couch, her long legs sprawled across his lap beside her.

They originally made plans to go out that night, but after hearing that Jack wasn't feeling well, Emily basically forced him into cancelling their reservations to stay home with his son.

Aaron was starting to think that she cared for her son just as much as he did. It was a good thing, he supposed.

Now, after Jack had been tucked into bed by his father, the couple sat on Aaron's couch in the dim light of his house.

Emily was texting JJ and Penelope in the group chat they had just created online.

Aaron saw her smile at her phone as he put the TV remote down after turning it off for the night. "What's so funny?" He asked.

"JJ just sent a picture of Henry and Will to the group chat. Look how cute they are." She said, flipping her phone so he could see the picture.

"They are cute."

"If Jack was feeling better, I would send them one of you and him."

"Why not you too?" He asked softly.

"Because he's your son."

"Emily," Aaron took her legs off of his lap and moved up on the couch towards her. Then he took the phone out of her hands and placed it on the table in front of them. "You've become like a second parent to Jack since we've been together. He loves you. You know that, right?"

Emily smiled at him. His words practically melted her heart. She sat up beside him and wrapped her arms around him. "This is why you're such a good dad. You always know exactly what to say."

"And exactly how to respond to the group-chat." Aaron reached for her phone and pulled up the camera app, flipping it onto selfie mode.

Emily laughed and leaned into his chest as he held the camera above them and took the picture. Even he was smiling.

He sent it to the group-chat before she could stop him. "You get pretty cocky when you're pretending to be me."

He put her phone back down and cupped her cheek with his hand. "Who wouldn't? You're gorgeous."

Emily grinned and leaned into his kiss.

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