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Two updates in a day?! Am I a physcopath or is it Sunday?! Haha ily 🤟

Aaron woke up to the morning light pouring through the bedroom curtains. It was Saturday, which meant time for him to spend with Emily and Jack.

He rolled over to see Emily beside him in bed, completely naked if she wasn't shielded by the covers around her.

He quickly realized that he was in the same position. Then he remembered the night before.

Slowly, it all came back to him. She was angry with him for the outcome of a case they solved in San Francisco, which then turned into an argument about not spending enough time with one another.

He countered her argument with the classic 'we live together' statement, although if he was being honest with himself, he knew that she was right. They didn't spend enough alone time together with their work, Jack, and the rest of their busy lives.

It was all a part of their job, they both knew, but if small arguments kept taking place because they never had time to talk it out, their relationship would inevitably fail.

Both of them hadn't yet admitted that, and decided to spend the remainder of their night together making love rather than talking about feelings. It was the only thing they could mutually agree on that night.

He stared closely at her delicate features beside him. Her long lashes, raven locks, and sweet lips drove him insane, but in a good way. He thought that her pointy nose was adorable in every way, and hated the fact that they were in a fight right now.

Aaron watched as she stirred beside him, then opened her eyes and saw him next to her.

"Morning," he said quietly.

She smiled. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"No," he lied with a small smirk.

As she shifted, she let out a small groan. "Woah, what did we do last night?"

"A lot, apparently."

She smiled softly at him, and he noticed the look in her dark eyes change. "Aaron, I'm sorry about yesterday."

"It's not entirely your fault. We should've handled the situation like adults and talked about it."

She nodded her head in agreement. "Can we talk about it now?" she asked, grabbing the closest form of clothing near her, which was his button up white shirt that was discarded beside the bed.

"What is there to talk about? Our jobs make having our own lives difficult, and it's not going to change," he said, standing up and pulling on a pair of jeans.

Emily sighed. "Difficult. Not impossible."

"So what? You don't think I'm giving enough effort?"

"No, it's not that at all. Our lives are just busy, and we need to learn how to make more time for one another."

"Emily, every second I'm not at work I spend with you and Jack. I don't know what else you want me to do," he said, grabbing a navy shirt from his top drawer.

She stood up and began picking up the clothing that lay scattered across the floor, still feeling a bit sore from the night before, which didn't help her already upset mood.

As she glanced up at him, she saw a fresh scar across his forearm, which made her remember the rest of their unresolved fight from yesterday.

"You can start by not continuously jeopardizing your life whenever you get the chance."

Aaron spun around and narrowed his eyebrows, beginning to feel the anger surge through him. "You of all people should understand what I had to do. I wasn't about to get Reid killed by sending him on alone."

"You could have waited for backup."

"There was no time," he snapped back with a straight face.

She scoffed and shook her head.

"What?" he said in a now irritated tone.

"What? You act like you're the only person who can worry about someone else's safety! Do you have any reguard for your own life?"

"So you're mad at me because you were worried?" he inched towards her and she crossed her arms across her chest.

"No, I'm mad at you because you could have died."

"Emily,"he said in a slightly softer voice.

"Don't Emily me. I was worried about you! We all were! You went ten minutes without so much as a word telling us that you were okay!"

Words formed at the tip of Aaron's tongue, but he held them back when he saw the tears form in her eyes and watched as she bit her lip and looked to the side.

"Don't ever do that again," she said in a quavering voice.

His heart hurt to hear those words and know that he was the source of her tears. Aaron outstretched his arms subconsciously and wrapped her inside of them. "I won't," he said quietly, running a hand up and down her back. "I promise."

They both remained silent for a moment as he comforted her in his arms.

"And as for spending more time together," he pulled away to look at her face, "I can talk to Strauss about giving us Sundays off."

"Really? I don't know if that will work now that we have Saturdays to ourselves."

He smiled down at her. "Yeah, I might have to wait a while. I don't think she likes me very much," he joked.

"No. She's crazy," Emily grinned and moved her lips up to his to kiss him softly.

Aaron held her in his arms, just as her arms were around his torso. "How do pancakes sound?" he asked.

"Great, I'll go get Jack up."

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