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Guess who's back?

Me. I'm back.

Disclaimer: some mentions of criminal minds stuff. . . Violence and whatnot.

The teams nights out at Rossi's place were never intended to get wild and rowdy. Just a fun night relaxing with friends and colleagues. An escape from the cases they saw every day. But because they worked so hard that day, their night out together ended up being a little more chaotic than anyone expected.

Over the past few days, Aaron and Emily have been at one another's throats about nearly everything. Every small detail of a case, every object misplaced around the house, you name it.

Emily complained that she hadn't been getting sleep because of him snoring, and he complained that she woke him up every five minutes to tell him to shut up. Because of this, Aaron chose to sleep on the couch for the past week; out of spite, but also because as irritated as he was, he didn't want to interrupt her sleep.

However, Aaron's snoring was not the problem.

For the past two weeks, Emily wasn't sleeping because of a case they received weeks ago. Fourteen women raped and stabbed, three children, all molested and left for dead.

And the worst part of it all: she had to interview the man who did it. He was a suspect at the time. Nothing but a sick, demented sociopath with a god complex.

The problem was that she blamed Hotch for this, when in reality, he was the one who objected to her interviewing the man. Watching his girlfriend get intimate with a serial killer wasn't something he was okay with. However, Rossi and Morgan convinced him that it was a part of the job, and that he shouldn't be bias because of their relationship.


After swallowing the final sip of wine in her glass, Emily set her cup down on the kitchen counter, laughing along with JJ as she told a joke about Spencer.

It was just the three of them in the kitchen, although Morgan and Reid would check up on them on occasion.

Pouring herself another glass, Emily smiled. It felt good to smile and laugh with her friends. She hadn't been doing a lot of that lately.

"What's going on with you and Hotch? You guys drove in separate cars, and you haven't spoken a word to each-other all night," Garcia observed, gesturing towards the living room, where him and Rossi sat beside one another on the couch in front of the large fireplace.

Emily shrugged and took another sip of wine. "I don't know what you mean."

JJ and Penelope glanced disapprovingly at each other before JJ spoke. "You mean you don't see the way you two argue over every detail on every case? Or the way you don't sit next to each other on the jet anymore?"

At this comment, Emily scoffed. "I hate working with profilers sometimes."

"It can't be any better dating one," Garcia laughed.

"You got that right," she agreed, taking another swallow of alcohol.

"Em," JJ looked up at her friend, who was becoming less and less sober by the minute. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," the brunette answered, finishing off her third glass. "I want to dance." With that, she strutted into the living room.

JJ and Garcia followed her, worried looks plastered across their faces as she caught Hotch off guard by grabbing ahold of his tie.

"Dance with me?" she swooned, only slightly slurring her words.

Rossi and Reid suppressed their amusement while Derek didn't hesitate to laugh at her drunken state.

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