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Kongpob pov

I never knew that my life was going to get changed in a matter of hours as I scrolled out of the store that day. I was constantly working. Trying to get enough money to put bread on my plate as my indolent father played away the money in gambling.

What i surely didn't expect was a line of expensive cars lining the front of my broken house that day when I went back.

"You have outrun your time of payment, Ricky. I need it settled today or you know the consequences"

I heard a hard voice say I entered the home. My father was on his knees begging the man to spare his life. My eyes widened, when I heard the man. All I could do was look at him. I didn't know what i was supposed to do but in my panic i knocked out the small vase kept near the entrance calling out the attention of the man and his lacky.

"OOO...he is finally here." I heard the man. He looked old yet there was a certain sort of an aura around him. He looked powerful and someone not to be crossed. Soon i was being dragged inside the house by his guards. I whimpered in their strong hold as the man looked at me. He was intimidating and his stature screamed danger.

I saw the moment my father rushed to his feets and begged the man to take me as his payment.  I screamed no.

"He can be my payment. He is a virgin, you can sell him in the market and I m sure you will make more than what I owe you." My father greedily murmured to get out of his fate.
While I thrashed in the hold of the guards and spewed and begged. I knew people like them didn't need another opportunity to get me. Human trafficking was real and I definitely didn't want to become a part of it. But I couldn't believe my own father would sell me up or even consider it.

"You are right. He is a fine piece. " The man said eyeing me up. A shiver went up my spine as I realised my fate was sealed.

"Take him to my car." I saw my father rejoice but his happiness didn't last long as the man put a bullet right across his head.

"That's for selling him." He said and turned towards me.

" I bet you will be delicious."

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