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"Will you give us a chance?"
That's the million dollar question. But do I want to give them a chance. My brain says no, don't give in to them. They were also my tormentors. I was sacred of the. No, the truth is I am still scared of their intensity, of the way they hold that power that I know even when they are asking me they are simply commanding.  And my brain is right. I shouldn't give them a chance. This all started from the day I was brought into that mansion.  But then why is my heart ready to jump out at the slightest touch of theirs. Why do I feel tingles over my body. My body is a traitor, for all I know is to submit to their touch. And I don't want to. I only experienced any semblance of freedom in these past days, and I don't want to let that go. If I say yes, will I be caged? If I say no, will they let me leave?

"W-ha-t if I sa-y no?" I hardly let those words out before I was pinned on the wall. And found Arthit at my throat. So was Kit. From their eyes, I could find the rage, the madness and obsession. Arthit removed his grip while Kit stood back. But it was clear they wouldn't let me go. And that somehow soothed my treacherous heart.

"Would you say no to is, Angel?" Arthit question sounded more like threatening.

"I s-ho-uld, a-ft-er all so-ld to y-ou. I a-m no-thing m-ore tha-n- a slav-e." It took me great courage to voice out that. I couldn't hold their gaze.

"No you are our pet, not slave. You're our moon. There's a difference. A huge one. Coz as much as you belong to us, we belong to you. Didn't we make that clear. " Kit growled. He always seemed unhinged. But it was Arthit who was calculative. But still my heart beat louder with each word, and my body wanted to submit.

"I-I don't know.."

"Then let us show you,"
Second, later I was being kissed by Arthit while Kit found his way to my neck. They moved me off the wall to the nearby couch without removing their lips off me. I couldn't hold myself back from moaning. And that seemed to only encourage them as Arthit sat on the couch with me on his lap while kit kneeled down and lifted my cashmere to kiss down my belly only making me moan harder into Arthit's mouth.

"Please...," I didn't know what I was begging for but the pool inside my stomache was ready to overflow. Kit took that moment to remove the fly on my white pants and briefs to take out my length and put his mouth on me. I jerked against Arthig who only held me tighter and moved towards my neck. Both marking me.
"Ahhh--pl--eas-e..I..," I squirmed unable to hold the pleasure from Kit's mouth. He was taking me so deep that I didn't know if it was physically possible. I was almost on the verge when Kit stopped making me let out voice of discontent.

"Say yes and we will let you come." He spoke while Arthit clutched my waist in his arms.

My breathing was erratic and my eyes were closed trying to make sense of his words. But it was physically impossible to revert when hands were wrapped around me. Yet I tried.

"Th-at's not fa-ir,"
"Nothings fair when it comes to making you ours. We will always play dirty." Arthit whispered.

"I c-an't ple-ase.." I begged while tears fell from my eyes. Both out of frustration and helplessness.

"Are you denying us or are you begging?" Kit asked
I had to answer. They needed that and so did I.

"W-ill you let m-e thi-nk ov-er it. I nee-d time." I opened my eyes to see them sharing a look.

"As far as it's not a no, we are okay. But we have condition. You will live with us." Arthit said.

"No..please no." My answer made their grip on me tighten and I let out a string of moans.

"Fuck darling, you sound so beautiful." Kit said and continued to stroke me.

"It is making us lose our control but tell us why are you sating no?" Arthit asked.

"Coz then I will not be able to get a clear answer. I need time please...please. would you both let me do it." I wondered how this time I didn't stutter. But I needed atleast this.

They groaned and Arthit circled his arms completely around me and put his head on my shoulders.

"Since you beg so nicely, we will. But you will come to meet us everyday. And you need to answer us ina week. That's the deal. Take it or we will take matters in our hand." Kit said and before I said Yes he took me again in his mouth making me arch back into Arthit who bit me. Both making their own marks on me while they let me feel pleasure beyond my imagination. Kit's mouth was working wonders coz I was just seconds aways from dropping and feeling the heaven.


"Yes Angel, come. Come in his mouth, let him feel you go down in his throat. Let him claim your essence. Come, petal." That command set me off and I came so hard I digged my nails into Arthit's arms.

"You're indeed every bit ours, pet. Our moon." Saying this Kit kissed me once letting me taste myself on his lips.

"No one will own your pleasure other than us," they said

Hello lovelies
Back with another chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Do you think Arthit and Kit are doing right? Will Kong say yes or will they have to force him?
Will Kong love them?
Happy reading ❤️

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