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"Listen from today onwards, only I am your master. You will only call me that. And you will be my personal slave, got it pet."

I was stuck, mind blank and staring at the guy standing in front of me. He looked powerful. But destructive. He was going to destroy my being and I was sure of it. Trying to sanp out of it, I tried to run again. I can't stay with him. I can sense the dread creeping up on me. He is going to be a disaster for me.

I almost got myself out of his grip when he turned his attention to me from the previous guard.

"Try escaping from me again and you will never see the light of the day," his deep dark voice held the command like fire. I just stared at him with no other option. I could feel that I was unable to do anything.

"Bu-t s-ir Overlord stric-tly forb-id any-one to take him," the guard tried to protest. I could see the instant change in his face as he was staring at me. His entire body shift and a literal growl erupted from him shaking my body and almost killing the guard when he grabbed him by his throat.

"Never ever interrupt my time with him. I will talk to dad about him. I am sparing you today but only because I seem to be in a nice mood." He said. If he was nice now I couldn't fathom his anger. But what struck me was he called the Overlord his Dad. The master who got me here. The one man who bought me was his father? And now I am to be his son's slave?

"Come, pet." He tugged my hand and took me back to the mansion. My tears slowly began to wet my cheeks and all I could was walk behind him with my head low. What did he mean by pet? What was i supposed to do as a slave? My eyes widened as a series of naked images ran through my mind.

"NO" I shouted. He stopped at my sudden outburst and stared at me. For some reason he didn't look angry that I was thankful off.

"What did you say?" His voice was calm but I could guess that there was nothing calm about him. His body was ready to burst if i did anything he didn't like. And i was not stupid. How can I beat a guy who is probably ten times stronger than me? Surrounded by hundreds of guards?

"I don't like to repeat myself but for you pet i could make that an exception. But everything comes at a price." As soon as he said those words, his lips took mine in an assault. His rough yet sweet lips crashed into me. I was frozen at the realisation that my first kiss was taken away without consent. And i couldn't do anything about it. He grabbed my wrist a little harder causing me to let out a gasp. He took that opportunity to enter my mouth with his tongue. My body came out of the shock only feel shivers in each one of my nerves. Everything in me was on alert as he pushed me more into his body, while his left hand grabbed  my nape and explored with his tongue. His each lick was making me feel hot. I moaned. He grabbed my hair and took my lips aggressively. He bit my lower lip once more before moving away and letting me take precious breaths. In the entirety of the kiss I didn't realise when my hands went to grab his shirt but now that I knew I instantly let go and backed away.

"Since I got what I want i will repeat, What did you say?" I knew he was asking why did i shout out of the blew? But should I tell him? Should I ask him? Can I ?

Gathering all my courage I decided it was worth a shot.

"W-hat a-m I sup-pos-ed to do a-s you-r sla-ve?" Each word felt like a struggle to breath. He was scary. I could guess danger when it was standing six feet tall infront of you.

He moved closer to me, bending down to my height he whispered in my ears

"Everything...you will do everything for me. I own your mind, soul and body. Nothing belongs to you....it's all mine. All of it...all of you."

Hey guys...
Sorry for the late update i was not well...now that I have recovered i can update.
Hope all of you are doing great. Enjoy ❤️

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