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I am early as I park my car to Riley's. Nothing ruins a good relationship than a misunderstanding. And I definitely do not want that between me and Kit. I walk into the restaurant repeating the things in my mind that I want to say to Kit. Taking our usual table, i tuck my self inside the comfort booth. Not many people know of this place as it is located in a near deserted place. But we bought it knowing exactly how beneficial the location was for us. Most of our dealings happens in this place. I never participate in anything remotely illegal  while Kit handles it like a second nature. He is street smart. Despite the fact that we grew up in money. We both are confident beings, ways winning things that we want. But tonight I am on edge. Because the one person that has kept me awake for several nights is my brother's pet.

"You're early, brother," I heard Kit's voice coming from behind as I see him walk into the booth.

"And you're late as usual."
"No, I am in time. As I said you're just early. "

I roll my eyes at him. I ordered a strong glass of whisky while my brother took sip from his glass of bourbon.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked.
I was trying to get this conversation over with but with a positive outcome. However, right now I am finding myself tongue tied. It's difficult. For the first words are escaping me. But I need to do this. I can't bear the pain anymore. I can't stay away.

"I want Kong." I say those three words and look at my brother. He doesn't say anything for a moment but then he lays back clutching his glass.

"If it was anyone else you know he would be dead right now, don't you?" He speaks with calm and that there is my note to tread carefully. I might have my own strengths but Kit is brutal.

"I know. But hear me out. I am not saying you should give Kong to me. I am saying let's share him."

Again, my eyes remain glued to his face. Except for a twitch in his eyebrows there is no other indication that he heard me. But that's enough for me.

"Why brother? Why should I share my pet?" He stress.

"Because I've been going crazy since the first day he came to that mansion. He's been there in my every waking thought and in every night's dream. He is capturing all of me and before I could even begin to get this nerve breaking feeling under control you took him. I tried to stay away when I went to the meeting. But not even single minute I could focuss. His natural submission to things has made me mad. I am going insane and I don't know whether you can get that but I am not snatching him away." I shout those words taking out my frustrations. He looks shocked and for the first time this evening he has something more than annoyance in his eyes.

"Br..o .......," Before he could say anything, bullets rang around us. We were under attack. Two masked men were holding guns and desperately trying to get there shots on us. I crouched down under the table dragging Kit with me.

"Not again," he groaned.
"Again?" I questioned.

But we didn't have time for this. Shots were ringing all around us as our attackers kept on firing. Kit grabbed his gun and handed me his other. Taking cover, we attacked. A bullet graced my shoulder. And it hurt like a bitch. It was a flesh wound so i would survive but that pissed me off. Combined with my already frustrated state, I took offense on these low lives who tried to attack me and brother. I marched down ignoring my brother's call and shot both of them down. But in between my stupid almost cinematic move, another bullet hit my stomach. I was lucky that there shots were not accurate. I didn't kill them. No.

Kit came barging and shouting profanities at me for my stupidity.

"Shut up Kit, I had take my frustrations somewhere." I nudged him trying to lighten the mood but it only made him angry.

"Fucking don't do that ever again. I can't bear this. I almost lost Kong today and now you. " His words stopped my world. For the first time I felt I was suffocating.

"What did you say?" He sighed.
"Kit I am asking you?" I stressed on my words.

"Today when I took Kong for lunch, we are attacked. Kongpob was almost hit. Luckily I acted, and we both escaped that shot. He was injured in between our fight. Don't ever do that Arthit."

"Who in the bloody world would dare to attack you?" I asked my irritation growing.

"I dont know." He answered looking at the shattered place.

He was looking at the two groaning men. I knew that they were not gonna make it out of this alive.

"Did you capture the guy who attacked you?" I asked.

"Yes i did,"

"He is mine." He would die for even thinking of attacking my brother and hurting Kong.

"And to answer your question, I didn't know you felt like that. But there is nothing i would ever deny you. You are my brother. It's only that I feel an unexplainable possessiveness towards Kong. Like he is mine only mine. I xant even tell you how I feel when he calls me master. His lowered eyes and his stance everything about him is addicting. But when I think of him with you, I think I am okay coz I know at the end of the day you will be there with him if i am not."

His words gave me hope..but is it really?

"Yes brother we can share. He is ours." He said

My dream just became a reality.

Hey guys. Sorry for late updates. I am traveling and finding it really difficult to update. It will be slow updates. Because I am stuck with lots of stuffs. I hope you guys bare with me and continue to support me.

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