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I closed my eyes to control the anger raising through my veins.

"Lily..what are you doing here?"
"You're supposed to knock before you enter, little trouble." Kit scolded her.

Even if she was not bloodrelated, she was dear to us. She lived out of the mansion due to safety reasons. She met us only once a month. But today was definitely not good. Not when we knew our moon's brother and our old friend was in front of us.

I looked towards Kit and Seb, and both had a calm expression. Seb turned to look at Lily, and his expression faltered for a moment before a frown emerged in his face. I wonder why.

"Lily, just give us a few moments. we will join you in a few minutes." All I wanted was to get our moon from Seb. By any means. I was ready to give him anything, but the moon was ours, and only ours.

She looked at all three of us and nodded.
"Okay, but please hurry up I want to go out for dinner with you guys."

As soon as she exited, Seb turned towards us.

"Who is she?"
"That's none of your concern." Kit growled. We were protective of her.

"You want to have my Kong but are having affairs otherwise?" I was just about to lose myself when Kit punched him.

"She is our sister, you bastard. How dare you..?" He was on him and punching him.

"Then she is not blood related. Is she?" Kit stopped hearing this. And we were confused as to where this was going. Why would Seb bring our sister into this. She was of no concern to him. As far as we knew from information we collected about him, he was gay. And was surely in a relationship with a guy who was out of the country.

" what do you mean? Why do you say that?" I asked curious. Kit was also back on his feet along with Seb who dusted off his coat.

" because she is the carbon copy of Terry. She is his sister whom he lost. Did you guys steal her from him. What did you guys do?" He was running his fingers through his hair.

"What are you going on about. Why would steal anyone. And that too her. Our father found her on the night our family was attacked. In fact you can ask our father. He is on his way here." Kit said just as father entered with ragged breath. It looked like he was running.

"Father.." He looked at me and then to Seb. He walked to him and hugged him.

" You are alive..oh dear! I am so happy to see you. I have been looking for you guys for so long. I found Kong but couldn't reveal his identity to my boys because of the fear of a mole working among us. Forgive me, Seb, for not being able to save you or Kong. I was unable to keep the promise."

"Uncle, Its okay I understand but before that can you tell me about Lily?"

"What about her?" Dad asked as confused as we were

"Where did you get her?" Seb asked

"On the day of attack, kale'd men crashed our cars. Lily's family was caught in the crossfire. While we tried to ward of the attack, I notice the cries of Lily. I found her drenched in blood and almost on the verge of loosing consciousness.  I saved her. But why are you asking?"

"Because she is my friend's sister. She is the spitting image of her mother. I want to call him here. Would that be okay. He has been looking for her since past years" Seb said

"Call our moon as well." I said.

" guys can't have him. I told you." Seb turned with anger.

"Seb don't make me hurt you. He is ours and that will not change. You know we can do anything to get him. I mean anything." Kit's word rang in the insides of the office.

"This right here is why I don't want him with you both. Both of you are obssesed with him. And its not healthy, this obssession can kill him." He shouted. 

"Not again, not after what your friend did. He will pay for it." Kit voiced my thoughts

" No..he will not. I will not let you guys do it. Terry had his reasons. He thought you guys killed his sister." Seb said.

"Call him know our moon is our life. We thought both of you were dead. It was after long that we found kongpob,  so eone who could make our hearts beat. But to know he is our moon gives us new life. Don't take that away from us we beg you.." I kneeled in front of him. I didn't know what to do. I just got him. How can I live without him. Neither Kit nor can I. Kit looked aways his eyes full of tears.

"Can't you give my boys a chance, Seb. They will cherish him. I know that." Our dad asked Seb.

"Damn it! You guys still weak for my Kong. Can you promise me one thing. If he says no then it's no." Seb's answer gave a new hope. Seb turned and called someone.

" you guys can meet him. He will be here in a few minutes." He said

"Minutes?" I frowned

" Terry and him dropped him. Since he wanted to go out to buy somethings for him. I knew I needed Terry."

" Why would you leave our baby with him?" I growled at him. Was he crazy. I already have a strong dislike for this Terry. What if he do something to our Kong? What if he likes him? What if Kong likes him? No no no...this can't happen. I looked towards Kit in panic and all I could see was the same panic reflecting back at me. Too bad we can't kill him. He is Lily's brother after all.

It's been fifteen minutes but it has felt like hours. Lily too came back to the office to check on us. She was confused with all of the commotion. She stood near our dad while he slowly explained to her the details. She was really emotional and it took all three of us to calm her down. It's expected she always knew that she was adopted but to know that she was not alone and had someone from her family looking. That brought a smile on her face.

"Art, I have a brother...Kit did you hear that?"
"Yes dear.." Kit said emotionally.
I simply hugged her. She was precious to us..
Among this we waited for our moon as well. We were getting impatient. As much we wanted Lily to find her happiness we were alo waiting for  ours.
"Where is he?" Kit asked
"On his way, I can't make them suddenly appear."

Seb's shrugging was grating at my nerves. For being our past friend he was really irritating. Seb raised his eyebrow at me and smirked. He really was testing   my patience.

I was about to jump out my chair when the door once again opened and Terry Lockewood rushed inside in a hurry.

" where is she? Wh-e-re is Lily?"
"Calm down, Terry."
Lily moved towards him and he stood still. The moment was too emotional. But my eyes moved and locked with Kong who was just behind Terry.

Kong looked gorgeous in his light green soft cashmere sweater and white jeans. He was looking like an angel. Beautiful and sweet. He looked away trying to avoid my gaze only to fall for Kit's intense stare. We knew all along that Kong was important but him being our moon changes a lot. He is ours.


Hello lovelies
Double update..Happy reading ❤️

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