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Everything is vague. I feel like my head is splitting into two. But I feel I am comfortably lying on feather lite bed. That can't be true. I must be dreaming. I don't have a feather lite bed. In fact, I don't own anything that is soft. I try to recall where I am, and all the things rush back to me. I was trapped again. I jolt awake and ait on the bed to look at my surroundings. I am in a beautifully decorated room. The walls are painted white while the bed looks like it was made for a king with its elaborate canopy covering the bed. I come out of bed to find two doors at the corner of the room. All I can think of is way to escape, but I also need answers. Last I remember is someone calling me his brother before I passed out.

I'm trying to keep the whole mess in my mind. I walk towards one door, hoping it would be a bathroom. I don't know how much time I spend in there, but when I come out, I find a guy sitting on the bed. I stagger back, but then I remember he is the one who called me his brother.

"Lion, baby, how are you?" He talks with a familiarity I am unaware of. I want to ask him so many things, but I don't know where to start.

"I-----I am ok---, who are you?" I asked trying to keep my distance with him.

"Baby don't you remember me, I am P'...P' Seb. Your brother. Don't you remember how I used to carry you on my back and run through our garden when we were young. How we used to play around in the kitchen with mom or how dad used to take us every Sunday for an ice cream? Don't you?" He said with so many emotions that I couldn't bring myself to say that he was wrong but I should.

"I--I think you are mistaken, sir. I am not your brother. I don't have a brother or a mother. My father never took me anywhere." I tried keep the wobbling of my lips to myself. I didn't want this guy to see how pathetic I was. I dropped to my knees not being able to control my emotions.
He ran towards me and knelt infront of me to hug me.

"No baby...no you are my brother.. you are my lion, my kongyy. My sweet lil kongpob whom I lost. The man who raised you was not your father but a con. He stole you away from me. I tried looking for you, but I couldn't. And when I finally did, someone took you. I was coming to get you but that stupid Terry did worse. I am sorry, baby. I am so sorry."

I shook my head denying everything.  He can't be my brother. I am alone...all alone. My tears kept running while he hugged with all the care in the world. For the first time in my life, I felt safe and a belonging. But it's not true. It can't be.

"No...no you are lying. You are not my brother. I am alone all alone." I tried to pull away but couldn't he held me tightly. 

"Baby, you are my small bean, my lion. I won't lose you again. Ever."

I cried on his shoulder thinking of the lies my father told me. Or was it this guy who was lying. Whom should I trust. The father who sold me or this guy- Seb, who is holding me like a precious thing?

My thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door and my kidnapper entering. I visibly shivered, and Seb turned to look at the cause. My kidnapper frowned at something and for a moment his eyes softened. But then it was gone.

"Are you all right, Seb?" He asked. His deep voice made me cower. I  hid myself in the shoulder of seb.

"Shhh...baby he won't do anything. He is just a stupid guy." Seb said mocking the kidnapper who growled. I further tightened my arms around Seb. For some reason I trusted him.

"Terry...damn it you are scaring my baby. Get out. I will meet you downstairs."
He grumbled something and slammed the door.

"Lion....he is just a grumy old guy...but he is sweet. He mistook you for someone else. But he will never hurt you again. I promise." He showed me his pinky finger. I looked at him and he was still holding his pinky finger out so I could hold it. Finally I did and he did a stamp confirming his promise like a give year old would. That bought a small smile on my lips.

"Now...can we go down to have breakfast? You must be starving. Please?" He was talking in such a soft tone unlike when he talked to Terry. He was seeking my permission. No one ever did. 

I nodded my response. I was full of emotions. I couldn't bring myself to answer.

"Let's go." He held my hand carefully pulled me in his embrace and walked me out of the door to the living room. I saw another mansion and for a instance Arthit and Kit's face flashed infront of me. I couldn't hold back my tears at the thought of them. I don't know what I felt but my heart was longing. Something was a miss. But I was sure I didn't want to be their captive. Even when I was missing them? I don't know.

Indulged in my thoughts i didnt realise when we reached the table. Seb pulled a chair for me and I sat down. Terry was sitting at the end of the table and I was sitting on left with one seat between us that was soon occupied by Seb.

"Eat baby...eat a lot." I saw the table filled with various foods but I couldn't just get them. Seeing my hesitation, Seb filled my plate. I was more than thankful.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Seb smiled and kissed my head and whispered 'My lion'. This seemed too familiar to me but I couldn't place the memory. Was he really my brother?

I looked at Seb with grateful eyes while I felt a stare at me. An intense stare. I looked at him- Terry. And he was watching me. Intensly. Like a pray. I shivered and lowered my head.

Hey guys. I am back after a long time. I was not well and had to undergo treatment. I was not able to write during this period but now I will continue to write. I hope you all are well and keep supporting  me. Thanks for being there.

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