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"Then kiss us," I say that to Kong desperately wanting to feel him. I have seen the same desperation on my brother's face. I atleast for once have tasted the sweet nectar of Kong's release but Arthit is like a starved man looking to get his first taste in ages. On some level i understand what he might be feeling but what he doesn't understand is that one fill is never enough. Not with Kong atleast. I thought of tasting him and leaving him, my usual rodeo. But each time that thought came it left a burn inside my chest. I couldn't and can't do it.

"M-aste-r please," Kong whimpered. He is hesitant. I can't have that. Kong is so out of it, filled with fear but what he doesn't know is that we always take care of our possession. He needs to understand that he can't say no.

"You are disobeying your masters, pet" Arthit say trying to sound disappointing. I know my brother is very patient but he hates disobedience more than me.

"You should listen to him, come on pet" I move forward and run my hands across the expanse of his arms. I feel the shivers that run across his body. His small frame shivers while a whine leaves his mouth. That sound do unknown things to my core. From the corner of my eyes i see Arthit move closer as he leans down and nibble Kong's ears.

"You have no idea how beautiful you look, Kong" he speaks the truth. He is a treasure meant to be protected and take only by its owners. Right here and now I feel like he is the puzzle piece that completes us.

As Arthit works around his neck, a small moan escapes his mouth. The constant sensual sounds travel straight to my dick begging for attention. Working him a little more, Arthit moves away. I can see the need taking over him. Infact, all three of us. Our breathing are laboured,

"We are not going to hurt you, pet and we will not touch until we are certain that it's what you want. But right here, your body wants us and it's only your mouth that's denying us. Tell us to stop and we will." I say for the first time ever in my life. I have never considered other's feeling but for Kong i will. I never knew how only in the span of days I changed.

Arthit kept going licking, biting, kissing his neck, jaw, eyes, cheeks but never touching those plum lips. While I sat back and ran my fingers on his exposed legs.
I sit down trying to enjoy the staggered breaths, the lewd moans and the light white shirt which huggs Kong's body. The top of his chest is exposed and I wonder just how they will look marked by us.

Fuck, he is perfect. For us. Only us.

My hands once again move on it's own, hovering over the buttons of his shirt. I slowly unbutton them not interrupting Arthit. Working my way down, his shirt falls open until he is left in his shorts. My fingers glide over his feather like skin and i enjoy the small whimpers and squirm of his beneath us.

"Angel," Arthit calls Kong as he moves away. Kong's eyes are closed. But after a moment he opens them and I see my world  right infront of me. He hits me like a truck with the realisation that I may never ever let him go.

"Would you kiss us?" I wait and even when I tasted him, it's like this moment will define us. And how we will move forward.

"Ye-s m-aste-r," two words and Arthit jumps in. All restraints rip as his permission grants us the treasure we so desperately wanted to celebrate. I reach for his shorts and remove them. While Arthit makes sure that he kisses Kong with all he have. I can see the passion, the intensity with which Arthit pulls Kong towards him. He makes sure that he eats him out thoroughly. I know I will get my chance. Kong clutches his fingers on Arthit 's chest and my brother pulls back letting him breath. I can't stop myself from asking.

"Has any man ever touched you, pet? Have you ever done this with anyone? Have you ever claimed anyone or did anyone ever claimed you?" I know if he says yes, a part of me will break. And I know the same is true for my brother. But if he says yes I will make sure to find that person and remove them from this earth. No one can touch him or claim him except for us.

I want it to be out us who will devour him and claim him as ours. Our possession, our captive.

"No,, I h-ave no-t," he finally answers looking down. His voice timid. Unsure.

I can see the happiness that spreads across my brother's face and the happiness I feel.

Hovering over him, I kiss him this time. I wrap his lips in between mine and suck him. I taste those delicious treat and plunge my tongue inside as I feel that sweet nectar myself. I feel myself getting harder. It is stiffer than ever. I pull back and look at him. I see my brother on the other side.

"Claimed." Both us say together. I and my brother just claimed him completely. Now, he can never leave.

Hey guys...
What do you think will happen with Kong?
Will he still try to escape them?
Or will he surrender to the pleasure they offer?

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