Chapter 2

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I sat in my chair, looking over the mission files that the emporer's coven sent. They'll send us missions and request bards for them, I'm in charge of choosing who goes where. There were a lot of them recently, Belos was really trying to get every single witch into a coven. I barely had any spare bards for around the building. I was sorting through the few remaining requests when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in" I yelled, a young woman came in, she had been one of last years newbies.

"Hello Wanda, what can I help with?" I smiled, not looking up from my papers.
"Uhm... yes, I wanted to speak about the mission dispatch, the one that was in my mailbox today?" She said shyly, I put the papers down and looked to her, urging her to continue.
"You're sending me to the toes, I was hoping I could be sent somewhere else? I'm not comfortable with the temperatures there and feel I would not be able to perform well"

I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose, before looking back to her.
"Wanda, you know I would love nothing more than to make sure you're comfortable with your missions... but unfortunately due to the Day of Unity, I've barely even got 1 bard to spare for these situations. I'm stretched really thin. So I'm very sorry, but unless you can find someone to take your place, you're stuck with that mission" I stated blankly, she looked at me rather sad before she thanked me and left. I pulled open a drawer and grabbed a cigarette, these things aren't the healthiest, despite being made by the healing coven. These things are a medicine for me, helps with stress, and also helps with joint pain. They're just filled with healing herbs, but they also damage my lungs a bit. Doesn't make too much sense, but hey, it helps the pain, breathing is a whole other problem. Maybe I'm just not using them right, I should probably ask during my next visit.

I lit it and stuck it in my mouth, puffing it before yet another knock was at my door.

I really need a Do not Disturb sign.

They didn't even wait for me to speak, they just walked in.

"What's this 'go to eclipse lake' thing I'm doing next week?! You want me to go there with a bunch of those Emporer's coven crack heads?!" She yelled, making take a long puff of my cigarette.
"All missions are final right now, resources are stretched thin. If you can find someone to take your place, go for it. Now next time you want to discuss something that requires my resources, knock, then wait for me to tell you to come in, got that?" I snarled. She turned on her heel and stormed out, slamming the door. I was tired of this. This Unity thing is making work harder. Raine was busy at the castle with the other coven heads that I had to do way more than my usual workload. Plus with the BATT's, I was stretched across what felt like a million things.

Before I could even process what I was reading, yet another knock.

"All missions are final! I'm busy!" I yelled, the door opened, revealing Raine.

"Got time for an old friend?" They smirked, walking in and closing the door, placing a sign on it beforehand.

"Please tell me that's a Do not Disturb sign, I need one" I breathed out as they nodded, sitting in front of my desk.
"How's the missions going?"
"Oh my Titan! We've barely got even 3 spare bards to work around the building! Belos has given me a libraries worth of mission requests, and everyone's got a problem with the missions they got, like holy Titan just do your damn job!" I ranted, making Raine laugh at my frustration.

"I gave you the damn mission, now fucking do it! I don't have time for this! Speaking of time, what's going on with the BATT's?" I sighed, running my hand through my hair and finishing off the cigarette, it was very tempting to just light another, but I'll refrain for now.

"That forest raid is happening today, 30 minutes. Eda's coming, we need all hands on deck. Eda gave us maps this morning, and I discovered that her curse messes with magic. We're gonna play and destroy everything around us, then BOOM, Day of Unity stopped" They smiled proudly, leaning back in the chair.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now