Chapter 33

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5 months...
It's been 5 months of trying to figure life out with 4 kids, one 18, one 2, and 2 of them being 5 months old.
Let me tell you, the day after I gave birth to the twins, I only walked around with Juno in my arms, as Darius had Adam while I went to grab papers from my office. Then Raine came up to me.

Actually, here, let me show you what happened before we continue with the more serious crap...

5 months earlier:

"Shit, Darius I promised Raine I'd get them those files on the Collector, can you just take some of the breast milk from the freezer and thaw it for Adam while I take Juno to my office quick?" I sighed, getting up as Juno was feeding, Adam patiently waiting his turn in his crib, as I haven't gotten the hang of how to feed both of them at the same time.
"Sure! Be careful" He called from the kitchen before I walked out of the nursery, seeing him go into the freezer and grab the pouch I had just pumped that morning, so it wasn't quite frozen yet.

I gave him a quick kiss, noting Hunter on the couch playing his game while Amari was taking a nap. I left, walking down the hall before I noticed people watching me, all of them realizing I had given birth and congratulating me. I thanked them all before finally getting to my office, opening the door just to see Raine passed out on the lounge by the book shelves.

"Uh... Raine?.... RAINE!"
"I'M UP EDA I PROMISE!" They shot up, looking to me and adjusting their glasses before noticing the child still attached to my boob.
"Oh come on! I missed it?! Dang it this stupid magic kid thing!" They groaned, making me laugh and offer them my spare hand to get them on their feet.

"How you feeling? Also why are you in my office?"
"I feel ok, really drained. And I'm in here looking for the files you promised me, but I forget how you organize these! Now tell me what happened with you! Eda only said you started bleeding in a cave" They were trying to look through my filing cabinets before I swirled my finger, making my eyes glow yellow as multiple files flew from the shelves and circled around me.

"well uh... I went into labor, early labor in the cave but hey, I got back here fine for the real deal... Oh! Here's the files you wanted" I smiled, handing them the 3 files I had on the Collector before returning the other files back to their spots.
"Then uh... oh titan what was it- 5 hours later? I can't remember, it was yesterday. But anyways 5 hours in I was aboslutely exhausted, very slow progress, and even when I was fully dialated, it took 20 minutes, and near no progress for Adam to be born. Like thank Titan that was over-"
"Wait... Adam? But you have a girl with you based on the pink-"
"-I'm not finished, Raine. Anyways so yeah Adam finally came out, then I just thought the placenta was stuck or some shit, so Jay looked and to all of our surprise, there was another head! So I pushed for another 5 minutes, and then Juno was here. I haven't slept yet" I rambled on while also grabbing some files I had regarding titan's blood, and what I had for the research notes on the disk's, turning to see a very shocked Raine.

".... what?"
"There's... there was two?!" They yelled, making Juno squeak as she unlatched, moving her up so I could burp her.
"Yep, there was two. Turns out Juno was hiding behind her brother, and we didn't see her. Sneaky girl, aren't you?" I kissed her head as she cooed, making my heart swell.
I started walking away, Raine following me.
"Uh... does Eda know? Does ANYONE know?"
"Uh... no" I stated, before entering the main lounge, seeing Darius, Hunter, and Amari surrounded by Lilith, Alador, Eber, Eda, Luz and her friends, and Hooty. 
They were all looking at Adam as Darius handed a bag of parts to Alador, before they all noticed me and Juno.

They all did a double take, looking between us before they all looked dumbfounded.

"Surprise, there was two" I waved my hand before they all freaked out, making us laugh.
This would be a long discussion.

Present Day:

Yeah so that was how everyone reacted to the twins. They had grown up quite a bit, and were rather chonky babies.
Adam was already crawling and standing with aid from furniture, while Juno was just starting to sit up. On the other hand, Juno was speaking more. They were ahead of eachother in different aspects, but I didn't care.

"Mommy! Huntah isn't letting play" Amari whined as I grabbed the mushed carrots for the twins, setting the bowls on their highchairs as they both started attempting to eat the food.

"It's not a game she can play! I said I would switch to Mario Kart after I finish this round with Gus" He was annoyed, rightly so, Amari has an attitude.
"Amari, he said he would play after he finishes with Gus, so come sit, eat this banana, and be patient" I stated, having Amari stomp over, with the pouty lip, and crawl onto the chair, sitting and snatching the now peeled banana from me and biting into it aggressively.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now