Chapter 19

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Hi Hi! If there's anything you guys would like to see Darius and YN do, let me know, I'm always open to ideas. <3

I woke up, hearing Amari's cries through the monitor on the bedside table. First night, and I was already exhausted. Problem is that Darius is a very heavy sleeper, so every time she cries, he doesn't wake up.
But I do. I pulled myself up, getting up and leaning against the wall as I tried to walk. I got to the bedroom door before I heared something from the monitor. I walked to Amari's door, it was open by a crack. I stood outside, listening.

"It's ok, I'm here. Mom and Dad are trying to sleep" I heard Hunter speak softly, hearing Amari's cries grow quiet.
"You aren't hungry, and you don't need changed, mom just did those. So did you just want someone to talk to?" I peeked in, watching Hunter walk around the nursery with her in his arms, rocking her gently. Flapjack began talking to Hunter, making him smile before Flapjack gently landed on Amari's tummy, letting her feel his feathers.

"You're gonna put me out of a job" I smiled, walking in. Hunter jumped back, holding Amari in one arm as Flapjack turned into his staff and he pointed it at me. I adjusted the lights, making it so he could see me clearly before he relaxed and Flapjack changed back.
"Mom, jeez... you startled me. Oh no, did I wake you up?" He looked between me and the baby monitor, panicking.
"No, you didn't. Amari woke me, I wasn't expecting her to wake you, though" I walked over, taking her from him as he relaxed his stature.

"She didn't wake me, I actually didn't hear her crying until I left my room to get some water" He shrugged. Then I remembered that all the bedrooms are sound proofed, there's just a baby monitor in our room, the kitchen, and the living room. Hunter would've heard her through the monitor.

"Sorry sweetheart, I can take it from here" I smiled, placing a kiss on his head before he and Flapjack left. I rocked her in my arms, watching as she finally opened her eyes, revealing her beautiful green eyes. She was bascially a carbon copy of her dad, just with lighter skin, she's beautiful no matter what. My heart was full as she looked at me. She probably can't see me clearly yet, but she knows who I am. Shortly after she was born, Darius made her a bunch of clothes. He had so much fun, she was now wearing a onsie that looked like the pattern of the abominations. She looked so super cute.
She began to close her eyes again, before her breathing slowed. She was asleep again. I set her in her cot, before leaving quietly. Once I got into our room, Socks had taken my spot in bed.

"Socks, come on, I need some sleep" I smiled, shooing her to the end of the bed so I could climb in again. Once I was under the covers, I heard her cry again. It's like she knows. This time I was just too tired, so I started to gently shake Darius awake.

"mhm?" He kept his eyes closed, but he was awake now.
"Can you please handle whatever Amari needs? I just got back into bed" I groaned, trying to get comfortable.
"Yeah... yeah I've got it"
"That's her cry for needing changed"
"Yep, I know, I've got it... You rest" He hummed as he got up, yawning as he left. I heard him enter through the monitor, I decided to listen.

"Good morning Starlight... you're up early aren't you? Come now, let's get you what you need" I heard him whisper, making my heart flutter. He's already such a good dad.
I started to doze off, not really listening anymore, before Darius came in with our crying daughter.

"Song bird"
"She's also hungry" He sat down on the bed, laying back as I let out a sigh, rolling onto my back and removing my shirt again. I've done this like 3 times tonight, this kid eats.

"Did you write the times down in the journal?"
"Yes I did" He groggily handed her to me as I helped her find my nipple, before she latched on and began feeding.
"Wait, which one did I feed her from last time?"
"I think the journal said your left?"
"Are you sure?"
"No" He yawned, trying not to fall asleep again. How the hell is he tired? He's slept all damn night. 

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