Chapter 18

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Hellooooo! I lied again! I made the mistake of drinking coffee so now I'm up. Also thank you for the comments! They're honestly my fav thing to recieve, I love reading them so much and I look forward to them each time I post. They give me strength and motivation. Keep commenting, I love it. <3
Ok here we go!

I was tossing and turning all fucking night again, even with the pillow, she wasn't letting me rest at all. I kept getting up, until finally around 3am, I went out to see Hunter huddled on the couch.

"Hunter? Why aren't you in bed?" 

Hunter looked over the couch, looking at me before curling back up on the couch. I told him to wait a minute so I could use the washroom, before sitting next to him and tapping his leg.

"Wanna talk about it?" Hunter looked at me again, this time sitting up and hugging his legs to his chest.
"What do we do now? Now that we're all here again... how do we take down the Collector?" He sighed, not lifting his head from his knees as he spoke.
"Good question, we're not quite sure yet, we're still trying to figure out what he wants... Do you wanna tell me what happened before you guys went through the door?" 

"Belos went nuts, he was about to kill us... he had us cornered, I was too weak because of my sigil... then all of a sudden, the Collector appeared, and he just... he just killed Belos, shot him into a wall and he just went splat like... like a bug! And I didn't know how to feel, I mean he raised me! I know he was evil but... but..." He started breathing heavier, I placed my hand on his knee, feeling him tense before calming down again.
"But he was still family, I guess..."
"It's hard watching family die, even if they weren't good to you... wanna know something?" I tilted my head, waiting before he nodded his head, still tucked away.

"My parents left me, when I was born, we lived in a cottage on the knee. It was the most amazing place to grow up. Then, when I was about 13, my parents got jobs as bank tellers for the Emperor's coven, so we moved to Bonesborough. The house we had was awful, it was falling apart. Looked like that broken shack in the human realm honestly" I smiled at the resemblance, Hunter popped his head up, nodding as he made the connection.

"I worked hard, being homeschooled all my life. My parents wanted me to join the Emperor's coven, to get married, and have kids. But when I was 19, I joined the Bard Coven, and met Raine... my parents didn't show up to my Coven Innitiation, and when I got home, there was a note on the broken table. It just said that they moved into a mansion up in the city, and I was on my own since I refused to give them grandkids, and didn't join the 'right' coven... I haven't heard from them since... but you know what?"


"I miss them, and right now... even though they abandoned me with nothing, I still love them. I'm worried about them as well, I don't know if they survived the draining spell, and if they're gone, I'm gonna have many regrets. Like not telling them I loved them one last time, or just saying goodbye... So... like Belos, they may not have treated us well, but they're still family, and it'll always hurt to see family go" I wiped a tear from my eye that was threatening to fall, looking to Hunter as he stared at me with wide eyes, letting my words sink into him. I sat there, patiently waiting for him to be ready to talk, but when he did, I wasn't really ready.

"Would.. would I be... a good brother? Should I really be apart of this family?" He choked out as he put his head back in his knees. I looked to him, before placing a hand on him, he looked at me, expecting me to say no, but that just wasn't the case.

"Come here, let me show you something" Hunter sat up sitting right next to me and getting comfortable. I grabbed his hand, taking the glove off, before I lifted my shirt and gently placed his hand on my belly, he tried to pull back, but I kept his hand there.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now