Chapter 35

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I'm really bad at writing out battles, I'm not good with pacing, so these events are gonna go by quick. We're roughly one or two chapters from the end, so bear with me here as I try to wrap this up as best I can.

Raine's POV:

We charged at the trappers, taking them down with ease, I had Socks with me and was using her until we reunited with YN. I whiped the staff around, getting used to the magical feedback from it. These things are weird, but I had to say, I liked the power.
Eda took down a few in her very attractive Harpy form, before a gust of wind blasted through the field, halting us all as the Collector finally appeared.

Where is YN?!

"Finally! We can play! Everyone's here!" He cheered, waving his hand and raising the ground beneath us as we began rising into the sky. We fell to our knees, unable to balance on the shaking ground. I used Socks to balance, before Luz went running at him, blasting him with her palisman before Hunter teleported behind him to try and hit him.
They both failed, falling to the ground with a thud, before regaining their footing.

"I know you guys! You were with King!" He cheered, before the area around us began crumbling, everyone except us main characters fell to the world below.
"A REAL Finale! Perfect!" 

"This game's over Collector! Return the isles to before your release!" Luz called out, Amity agreeing with her as we stood our ground. We were probably a good 10,000 feet off the ground. The thin air making our minds fog before Willow created vines around the floating land to help us breath. 
"I'm done waiting!" Hunter yelled, teleporting around him, trying to land multiple hits as the Collector laughed, blocking them all. He was hyper aware of his surroundings, blocking magic and punches from all of us as we tried to overwhelm him. He shot rocks at us, terraforming and manipulating the ground, creating obstacles that got challenging to avoid and manuver around. 
Nothing was working, none of us could even get close to him long enough to spill the blood on him. Lilith had the disk, staying further back to protect it. 

I brought out my violin, playing a tune and trying to weaken him, maybe make him less lucid. He looked at me, raising his hand and throwing me into the air. I yelled, plummeting down before Socks flew under me, catching me as I caught my breathe.

We were getting tired, hitting him from every angle, Amity and Hunter got a few hits on him, causing him to falter before he blasted us back, each of us being caught by the vines surrounding us, stopping us from falling off.

"THIS ISN'T HOW YOU PLAY!" He cried, before his leg was encased in an abomination. Soon another mound of goop surfaced as Darius emerged.
"That feels better" He smirked, pulling the Collector to the ground before attempting to hold him completely still.
I smiled at him, none of us have been able to speak to him, so I'm glad he came after whatever happened between him and YN.

"You're all CHEATING! I hate cheaters! You're all like Phillip! I. HATE. PHILIP!!!!" He screached, freeing himself as the isles below us started crumbling and falling apart.
"The isles!"
"He was right! You witches are no good tirants! Just like Humans!" He balled his hands into fists, punching the ground and breaking it, Willow straining to hold it all together as Hunter ran to her.

"none of you deserve to live! I'll rebuild! Making grimwalkers to inhabit the world! Witches and Humans are all the same" My eyes widened and looked at Hunter, who was looking at the ground before standing again, walking to the collector.

"Let's make a deal then..."
"It's you! Golden Guard! I'm done making deals! None of you play fair!" He whined, shrinking down and floating inches from Hunter's face.
"Then no deal, but I understand your anger. Bel- I mean, Phillip, lied to us both, to ALL of us! What would wiping magic out accomplish? He dropped you off a bridge, he dropped me off a solid 20 bridges before I escaped! We're not so different!" Hunter pleaded before he was lifted off the ground and brought face to face with him.

"Liar" He sneered before tossing Hunter off the floating island, yelling as he plummeted towards the boiling sea.
"Hunter! Eda get him!"
"On it!" Eda dove down, Luz let out a battle cry and tried to hit him again, only to be thrown back to the ground.
Darius teleported behind the Collector before splashing him with the blood. He jolted, screaming and trying to blast Darius.
"Lilith! Now!" He yelled back, jumping out of the way as the Collector's eyes widened as Lilith was about to pour the blood on the disk.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT! IF YOU TRAP ME, YOU'LL LOSE YOUR FRIEND!" He snapped his fingers, before all of us were frozen in place, seeing YN appear, dangling by chains above us all.

"YN..." I looked into her eyes, before noticing her skin was turning blue.

"Think about it! Sure, the isles will go back to the way they were, and I'll be gone! But your friend will die a horrible death if you do it! We're linked! She won't be trapped, but you'll have to watch her die in front of you all!" He laughed, tossing her around like a ragdoll as he grunted in pain.

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