Chapter 32

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I just realised this is my longest running book right now. Its got more parts than "A Thousand Parties", which is a book I've been writing for over a year.
What have you people done to me???
I love it!
Now hang on! This chapter is a ride and a half.
And unfortunately marks the end of what I like to call, the "Family Arc".
The Arc before this was the "Love Arc", and now, after this chapter, we enter "The Final Bow Arc".
Here we go.

I was awake, still far too tired, but awake still. I've been tossing and turning, I had 4 empty water glasses beside my side of the bed while Darius just had his one.
He was sound asleep, yet I'm here wishing I had some sleeping nettles on hand... wait... Eda has sleeping nettles in her room...

Welp I'm up, might as well walk.
I got up, slipping on my sandals before adjusting my shirt so it was covering me again, tossing and turning so much would do that. I walked through the oh so familiar halls of this tank. Maybe one day we can have a proper home, a backyard for the kids... something normal. 
I got to Eda and Raines room, and knocked on the door, before noticing a note and a basket.
I picked it up, reading it.

Raine wanted to leave these out for you, they've been exhausted and decided you were probably more tired than them

I smiled, picking up the sleeping nettles and walking back to our room, pouring some tea and stirring a petal into it. The liquid turned a lovely shade of navy blue, shimmering as the nettles did their job. I took a sip, walking back to bed to see Darius's upper body was upside down, half off of the bed dangling there.

I probably have enough time to wake him before I pass out.

I climbed in bed, before shaking his leg. He snorted awake, falling off the bed and groaning as I felt myself slip under. I laughed at him, he came up and said something I didn't quite hear before I passed out, finally time to rest.


"Eda for the last time! Magic doesn't work here!" Darius shouted as Eda used her staff to blast the walls, the magic bouncing around before we all had to duck to avoid it.

I slept great last night, and now we were doing a quick mission at the toes of the Titan.
We were travelling through the veins, trying to find anything that survived, or to see if any witches were hiding in them to stay safe. We've had a surge in raids from the trappers, forcing witches to hide as they terrorized them all.

"Sorry! I just want some action! Tank life get's boring!" She groaned, trudging along as Socks growled on my shoulder.
"Relax, Socks. Everythings gonna be fine" I smiled, scratching her head.

She's been worried about me, but since Raine is down for the count right now, adjusting to having their magic constantly drain from them, I had to come to take their place. 
I felt fine today, nothing too bad since I got a good nights rest.

We continued to walk slowly, as I waddled behind them all with Hunter at my side.
For this excursion, we had myself, Darius, Hunter, Eda, Luz, Amity, Willow, and Lilith. Hooty was babysitting with Gus.

"Amity and I are gonna fly ahead with Bingo and Ghost, we'll scout the path before we come back" Luz gave a thumbs up, before they mounted their respective palisman and flying off.
"Speaking of Palisman, Socks, I need a rest, you mind?" I lifted my shoulder, making Socks bark at me and jump to the ground, doing a little spin before jumping up and turning into my staff. I sat down, gliding beside everyone as they picked up the pace, since I wasn't slowing them down now. We heard people talking up ahead, but it wasn't Amity or Luz. We quickened our pace, coming to a fork in the path.

"Oh man... which way did they go? and where's that chatter coming from? It echoes like crazy in here..." Darius growled, trying to look down each tunnel. There were 3.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now