Chapter 26

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Hunter's POV:

"She's WHAT-"
"Luz calm down!" Amity nudged her girlfriend as Willow hugged my side. I wrapped my arm around her waist and she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Yep, another sibling on the way, I'm excited" I smiled, running my fingers through Willow's hair.

Gus adjusted himself in his seat, thinking for a moment.
"Didn't Amari just turn a year old like 2 months ago? She'll barely be two when this kid shows. Your parents sure didn't wait to long" He shook his head, making Amity glare at him.

"Gus, YN and Darius are in their 40's, they got a late start, it would make sense they have their kids close together so they don't die when their 15 or something" Amity kissed Luz's forehead, making her blush.

"I thought they met a long time ago? Like when they were Hunter's age" Luz tilted her head, gesturing to me as Willow began to doze off, she's been up all night trying to help with the whole Collector thing, she works so hard.

"I'm only 17"
"Yeah but you turn 18 in what- 3 months?"
"I think they met when they were 18, so I guess yeah... maybe I should ask them" I thought for a minute before I gently removed Willow's glasses as she fell asleep. 

The front door opened, revealing mom coming in with a very grumpy Amari.
"NO! NO NO NO!" Amari yelled as mom made a bee-line for her bedroom, placing her inside and closing the door.

"What's got her all grumpy?"
"I wouldn't let her bite Eda" Mom sighed and sat down in the empty arm chair, looking at us.
"What's the gossip right now?"
"Actually you are Mrs Deamonne" Luz smiled and bounced in her seat.

"We wanted to know how you met Darius and Raine!" Mom looked at Gus before looking back at me.

"You guys really want to know how I met the Hexide group?"
"HEXIDE GROUP?!" Luz was practically vibrating from how excited she was.
"Yeah, Odalia, Alador, Darius, Lilith, and Raine" Mom shrugged and adjusted her pendant on her neck.

"What about Eda?"
"Eda had left the group by the time I met them, she went missing after an incident with her and her curse" I was starting to get really interested in this, I adjusted Willow so she was laying more comfortably before she woke up.

"Are we telling stories?" She muttered out, snuggling into me more.
"Well I was about to share how I met Darius and Raine" Mom stood up, heading to the kitchen and putting the kettle on. 
Mom loves serving tea and cookies when we tell stories.

"Ok, which one do you wanna hear first? Darius or Raine?" She smiled at us, searching the cabinets for the mugs, Dad reorganized again, we never know where anything was with how many times he'll get up in the middle of the night and rearange everything.

"Well... we kind of know how you met Darius, at the Coven's ball right?"
"Kind of, Luz... I met him before that, but the Coven's ball was the first time I really spent time with him"
"So how about Raine first?" I added, mom looking at us before smiling.

"Raine Whispers, now THAT'S a story... let me think, it started when I was about 17 years old, so Hunter's age" Mom trailed off before the water began to boil, her shutting it off and pouring the water into the tea kettle.

Here we go.

Young YN's POV:

I was bandaging some cuts that mom gave me, her nails are sharp as hell. Dad knocked on the door before entering.

"Sunshine, could you go into the market and get groceries? I just got called to work" He smiled, handing me a list as I sighed. I only nodded, not in the mood. I threw on a red sundress, not really in the mood to care about my appearance. I walked out, really wishing I had a palisman of some kind, would make errands easier.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now