Chapter 31

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I walked through the hall, entering my office and sitting down in my rolly chair. So comfy, plus it has massage features which sends me straight to heaven every time I use it right now.
2 months left, 2 months and this can all be over. I was so done with this, I grew more every single day.
I was looking through the files we had manage to salvaged from all of the towns on the isles, or the ruins of them now. I was trying to sort through them, before some files caught my attention.

This is my handwriting.

These are the logs from my scout days. Or a couple of them anyways.
"First mission with Head Witch Eberwolf, Eber was distracted by various foods in the market before we finally made it to Latissa, the communications tower was decimated, all traces of previous logs were destroyed. Head Witch and Scout LN fell through open hole in floor, Head Witch twisted ankle(?). Scout LN carried Head Witch the rest of the mission. Scout LN now complains of itching of the scalp, issue 3 day medical leave" I snickered at the log, remembering that day fondly.

I managed to organize the first stack of papers, hoping to get maybe another stack done before sending them to Lilith's office for archiving. Lilith's office has become a form of a library, she loved it, so she didn't mind it. 
I heard fast footsteps approaching before my door was kicked open by a very panicked Raine.

"I did something bad!" They yelled, slamming the door and locking it before looking at me.
"What on- Raine I almost peed myself! Don't scare me like that!" I yelled as they tried to shush me, only making me angrier.
"Remember when we dated and your parent's were upset that I couldn't give you kids?" They stuttered as my head was still calming down from them kicking in my door.
"Uh... vaguely?"
"Turns out, that wouldn't have been a problem!" They calmed down, handing me a glowing gold orb.
"Oh Raine... you didn't..."
"Turns out... non-binary witches can still create a child with someone... I uh... coughed this up..." 
"Wait... YOU coughed it up? Not Eda????" 
"Yeah... me... I'm scarred for life, I didn't know my body could do this" They were pacing the room.

Basically, witches who can't have kids 'naturally', aka not able to get pregnant or get someone else pregnant, can still have a child using magic.
It works the same as the norm, you have sex, you have kid. 
Basically there's a child in this orb thing, and in 9 months, Raine will go into something similar to labor, having their magic energy sapped from them before the kid emerges from the sphere.

Now heres a way to avoid this, stab the orb, popping it and halting growth, but I can tell Raine doesn't want that.
The other weird thing, Raine can actually have this... inserted into their abdomin... or Eda's, but that's just a hassle... and a little disturbing.

"Now that I think about it, it makes sense you had it... Eda has very little to no magic, so it would have had to come from you..." I muttered, holding the orb in my hand. 
It was actually cute.

"Does Eda-"
"NO! She doesn't know! I... I don't know what to do! We're in our mid 40's! How are we... how??? How- who- when?? HOW??"
"RAINE!" I shouted, making them look at me, finally out of their panic.

"Look at me, notice something?" I gestured at my entire body, making them raise a brow.
"Uhm... no?"
"I'm 7 months pregnant, and a year older than you and Eda. I have a 16 month old, and I'm carrying a child that feels like they're the size of a 3 year old with how big my fucking stomach is. If you're really thinking this is inconvenient for you, look at me right now" I shrugged, leaning back in my chair as Raine sat down in the chair in front of my desk. 

"Sorry... I'm not... this is just a lot to process, and I haven't even told Eda... I was planning on proposing next week, for the anniversary of our mission together"
"The anniversary you got me caught by Darius in a forest of mud, how romantic" I rolled my eyes, earning a chuckle from my friend.
"I didn't do anything?"
"You called my crow phone when you knew I was running from him and Eber!" I yelled out, bursting into a laugh as I handed Raine the orb.

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