Chapter 22

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Darius' POV:

I looked in the mirror, adjusting my suit accordingly before deciding I was ready. I left my house, watching the sun set as I made my way to the palace. It's been a year since we all applied to our covens. Eda's missing, and just yesterday, we all got our sigils. It was going to be a great night.

I've been really looking forward to this ball, the annual coven ball was always fun. This would be our second one, last year we all got incredibly intoxicated. It was fun though, good memories.

Walking into the ballroom, I saw Lilith, Odalia, Raine, Alador, and YN in the corner, chatting it up. Alador had just proposed to Odalia last month, they're relationship was arranged. Poor Alador, so much talent, wasted. As I approached they all greeted me, I was about to greet YN before she stormed off, heading back stage.

"What's with her, Raine?" I asked, Alador and Lilith exchanged worried looks while Odalia scoffed.
"She's... she's had a rough week... she-"
"No body cares about that emotional wreck, look at this diamond!" Odalia intergected, shoving her ring in my face.
"Odalia, for the last time, no one cares. YN is our friend" Lilith bumped her shoulder, making her back off.

"Don't you think you should go after her? You're her partner after all" with those words Raine's face fell, looking away.
"We broke up last week... decided we were better as just friend's since my mind is on other things... I was selected as the apprentice of our Coven Head, and she took that a little hard" They grimaced and looked over to the now closed stage door.

"Which is odd, YN never cared about status before" Alador shrugged it off, knowing how emotions can go haywire.
"But that ties into what's got her all emotional right now, her parents... they left. She came home from our innitiation last night, and aparently there was just a note on her table saying her parents left her with nothing. Not even a single snail" Raine muttered, Lilith sighing and looking to me.

"I tried offering her some money, but she ended up getting upset and accidentally blew a hole through the tree I was standing in front of"
"And tonight, our head assigned her to perform tonight, her nerves are up the wall, and with everything with her parents, me, and the coven, she's a wreck... She's having more outbursts with her magic... but there's nothing any of us can do" Raine frowned, hiding their expression by bringing their glass to their mouth.

I looked to the stage, seeing various intruments laid about.
I remember last year, I kissed YN during truth or dare. She nearly destroyed the balcony after she had one of her outbursts. Granted she was the most intoxicated out of all of us that night, Raine kept adding alcohol to her drinks.

"Her parents, they're Sabine and Robert LN right?"
"Yep, why?"
"They came by the coven today, to help with budgeting" I looked back to the others, Raine lowering their cup.
"Well don't tell her that. They... the note said they left because they thought she was a failure, today when I was chosen, she destroyed like... half of the forest behind the coven building, she wanted to prove them wrong, so for the love of Titan, DON'T bring up her parents" Raine pointed to me, I nodded in agreement.

"Attention everyone! On behalf of the Bard Coven, we want you to welcome YN LN to the stage, she will be performing for you all! Give her a hand!" The announcer proudly walked off the stage, before YN walked on.

She walked off before I got a good look at her.
Her hair used to go past her waist, but now it was just to her shoulder's. She was wearing an auburn flowy dress, reaching to her feet, but the fabric grew sheer past her knees, revealing her black heels. Silver sheer fabric draped from her back to her wrist, wrapping around them like a bracelet as the loose fabric flowed around her.

(You can play the song if you wanna <3)

She twirled her finger, making her magic activate and summoning her lyre. The instruments started playing, before she began playing her lyre and tapping her food, making a clapping sound.
She let her lyre float beside her as she began pacing the stage.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now