Chapter 8

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Just a warning! This chapter contains mature things, basically smut. So read carefully if you're not into that. It starts slow so you'll be able to stop and scroll past if you so desire. Happy reading!

It was around 10am now, I had made myself some pancakes. All of a sudden I heard a knock at the door, I thought it was Darius so I just yelled for them to enter.
To my surprise, it was Hunter.

"Is Darius here? I can't find him" He asked nervously, closing the door behind him before Flapjack flew out of his cloak and went straight for Socks, who was resting on the couch. Hunter was about to grab Flapjack before remembering I was a safe space for them.

"Sorry Hunter, he isn't. Anything I can help with?" I smiled, finishing off some bacon and afforing a plate of food to him, I started on some eggs. He hesitated before filling a plate and sitting down. Cautiously poking the food.
"It's not poisoned, I'm not that big of a jerk" I tried to joke, but instead he looked defeated, before shoveling some of the food in his mouth as I finished the first batch of eggs, putting some on his plate.

"I caught word... of an attack that's taking place tonight, I was hoping Darius would know more... I plan to stop them, for the Emperor" He put more eggs in his mouth as I put some eggs in Sock's food dish. She ran over, scarfing it down quickly as Flapjack flew to Hunter, resting on his head. I smiled at him before he looked to some of the intruments in the living room.

"You play?" 
"Raine tried to teach me the flute, I haven't practiced in a long time..."
"Show me"
"Show me what you know, I can always give you pointers" I smiled, drawing a spell circle and summoning a small flute, handing it to Hunter. He paused, before playing a song that I learned when I was a little girl. A song called "Zelda's Lullaby". I played it for Raine when we first met, so seeing that they taught it to Hunter made my heart flutter. I watched as a golden glow incased the room, a calm feeling rolling over me as Hunter played, I summoned my lute, playing with him. Our feet left the ground, I always loved the whole anti-gravity thing that happens when I play, I mean sometimes you just wanna be weightless for a bit. Hunter opened his eyes, he panicked and stopped playing, we stayed in the air as I played.

"You were doing so well! Why'd you stop?" I gave him a puzzled look as he looked around with wonder in his eyes, it was adorable.
"Did I... did I do this?" His voice faltered as he tried to float closer to me.
"Yep, you did! I helped a little, but this was your doing"
"I did magic... REAL magic!" He cheered, doing a flip in the air as he laughed.

Darius had briefly mentioned that Hunter was a powerless witch, seeing him so happy was making me feel so content, like a motherly instinct took over my body. I stopped for a moment before drawing a spell circle and letting my lyre leave my hands. It played on it's own as I pushed myself to Hunter, wrapping him into a light hug. He tensed at my touch before slowly returning the hug.

"You are so talented, Hunter. You don't need magic to be special... Remember my door is always open, ok?" I smiled as I felt his body shake, before I felt his tears soak into my shirt. The poor kid is probably traumatized, he's 16, he shouldn't have all this pressure on his shoulder's.

"Thanks mom... I MEAN-" He pulled away suddenly, launching himself into the wall and yelling in pain on impact, I set us down and put my lyre away and ran to his side. I helped him up as he hastilly wiped his tears away.
"I mean YN... sorry... I meant... Thank you, YN"
"Hunter... you can call me mom if you want to, I don't mind" I smiled, I always wanted a kid, but it's up to him. He looked at me, looking for any form of evil in my features before he nodded and hugged me again. The door opened, Hunter bolting off of me and sitting on the couch. He relaxed when he saw it was Darius.

"Hello Hunter, what are you doing in here?" 
"She was teaching me a bard song"
"Not true, he actually came to me looking for you. I asked him to play for me and we had a wonderful time" I smiled, Hunter was selling himself short, he did lovely. Darius nodded, making his way to me and hugging my side, holding me close.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now