Chapter 7

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When I woke up, my head was pounding. Was hoping I could kick this in a day, be back to normal. But if I'm being honest, I feel even worse than yesterday. I removed the blanket, feeling the sweat roll down my back before my stomach churned at my every move. I checked the time, 4am... shit. I got up, walking to the washroom and looking at myself in the mirror. I was ghost pale, my freckles being the most noticable thing on me at the moment. The bags under my eyes were darker, and my hair looked like a greasy mess. I felt queezy, before my body heaved and I threw myself onto the toilet, vomiting whatever was in my stomach. I coughed as the acid burned my throat and mouth. Socks came running in, sitting beside me with a concerned look. I sat there limply, trying to breath through it. I knew I would throw up again soon. That's just what happens.

Your body get's rid of whatever is in your stomach, then makes you throw up again because it's offended that your stomach is empty. I tried to regulate my breathing before I felt my body begin to heave again. I've never even had hangover this bad. I threw up again, barely given enough time to catch my breathe before I went in again. I don't even know what my body is trying to get rid of at this point. My lungs, aparently. 

I flushed the toilet, resting against it again as I prayed my body was done. There was a knock on the door frame. Damn it, I woke him up.
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you" I coughed out, my voice was destroyed.

"You didn't, my abomination woke me when you started vomitting. Here, drink this" Darius handed me a glass of milk, I was about to drink it before I was once again throwing up. I heard Darius gag slightly, he's a germaphob alright. What I didn't expect was for him to sit next to me and rub my back.
"So I'm never letting you perform those spells ever again. It's destroyed you" He sighed, rubbing circles into my back as I finally managed to drink the milk.
"I'll be fine, time magic has a heavy toll... It's only this bad because I was doing more than just bringing a flower back to life" I breathed out, sighing as I tried to make my body sit up.

Darius, seeing my efforts, helped me sit back, grabbing a towel and wiping my mouth. He inspected my hair, before gently leaning me back on the bath tub. I was about to question him before he turned the water on and began washing my hair, giving my scalp a little massage as he worked. Once he was done, he grabbed a pair of scissors and trimmed the ends of my hair. Removing any spit ends I had created in the last few months. My hair doesn't grow very fast, made shaving easier since I only had to do it like once a month. I was exhausted. My body felt so weak and pathetic. I closed my eyes, steadying my breathing before I felt something cold make contact with my face, I jolted before Darius held me so I didn't fall.

"It's a face mask, relax. Your pores will thank me" He smiled, bringing the brush back to my cheeks as he applied the mask. It did feel nice. It was cooling, making me smile since I felt like I was on fire. I let out a breathe, making Darius let out a light chuckle as he hugged me to him. This is so weird, we're just sitting on the floor in his bathroom. Socks began to purr as she curled up on my lap. I laughed as Darius grabbed a wet cloth and wiped off the facemask, washing it off before helping me to my feet.

"You have a fever, I know it's not ideal but you need to sweat this out. I'll make you some tea, so just lay down, and try to relax" He whispered, as if anyone else could hear us. He set me back down on the chez lounge and walked to his kitchen. I let my eyes close as I wrapped myself in the blanket, already feeling my body heat up rapidly. I breathed out, trying to get comfortable before I heard Darius enter again, setting the tea beside me. I looked to see the cup was also accompanied by a plate of biscuits. I grabbed one, eating it slowly as Darius watched with a warm smile. I drank the tea, along with taking more medicine. I began humming a song, I'm not sure which one, but I was calm enough that the room lit up with the magic energy I was letting out. Objects began to float, as did we. I felt better already. I'm not exactly sure what kind of a spell I may be casting. Darius smiled as I finished humming, setting everything down gently. Before I began falling asleep again.

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