Chapter 28

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Darius' POV:

I woke up, hearing a weird gagging noise, before noticing the space beside me in bed was empty.

Here we go again.
I got up, walking to the washroom and seeing YN slumped over the toilet before she threw up for what must be the millionth time tonight. I went into the kitchen, grabbing some milk and some ginger beer, before heading back into the bathroom.

This pregnancy was turning out to be worse than the last one, I feel bad that she has to go through this, wish I could take the pain from her. She groaned, before lifting her head and smiling at me weakly, before drinking the milk.
"this.... *urp*.... this kid hates me" She groaned before heaving and spitting up a bit. I wiped her face, before grabbing the hair tie on the counter and pulling her hair back.
I moved to sit behind her, pulling her onto my lap as we sat beside the toilet, she leaned back onto my chest and sighed.

Her morning sickness has been double what it was last time, then again, last time she had an infected bile sack for 2 months of her pregnancy. Luckily this time she wasn't dying, and there was no Day of Unity this time either.

We heard a door open, before the quick pitter patter of our daughters foot pajamma's grew louder before she came through the door, crying and holding Penny.

"MAMA! Bad Dream!" She squealed as she crawled into her lap, since mine was occupied.
"It's ok honey... It wasn't real, everythings-" She was cut off as she threw her head back over the toilet and puking again, making Amari puke as well.
Oh boy, I gotta clean that up now...

"Everything ok?" Hunter rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he looked at the mess we were in.
"Your moms got a serious case of morning sickness, and Amari had a nightmare" I stated flatly, Hunter blinked a few times, still trying to wake up.

"But it's night time... how can she be sick...?"
"Hunter, morning sickness is a loose term, it can happen all day every day" YN mumbled, leaning back into me as I wrapped my arms around her, handing her the ginger beer.
"Oh, sorry" Hunter tried to smile but then saw Amari touching her own puke and grimaced, picking her up and setting her beside the sink, grabbing a washcloth.

"I'll handle Amari, you uh... do... that..." He trailed off, finishing off cleaning and bringing Amari to the kitchen to grab her a bottle.

"He'll be a good parent in the future" I smiled, brushing a loose strand of hair away from YN's face.
"Have we had the talk with him? Oh titan... did Belos? Jeez, imagine Belos trying to explain sex to Hunter" YN laughed before gagging again, drinking more and relaxing in my arms.
"That's more scary to think of than the Collector. But he's a grimwalker, not sure if he can even have kids the way we can" YN lowered her head, she wants Hunter to have a good life.

"I hope Willow will be ok with whatever happens" I sighed, deciding we should try and sleep again. I picked her up, walking out and noticing Amari was asleep on top of Hunter on the couch. They love eachother very much, and I'm happy Hunter has a family, and that it's mine.
I got YN back in bed, tucking her in before going to my side and laying down.

"Did Eda say anything about the plan?"
"She wants to wait until after I have this baby... In case that I do get... pulled in with him, I won't have to worry about the baby being born in a demon's prison" She rolled over, facing me before snuggling into my bare chest.

"I wish we could know for sure..." I sighed, wrapping an arm around her and putting my other arm under the pillow.
"Lilith wants to look for time pools... to see if we can find out... she and Luz know where some are, they just don't know if they survived" She closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep as I smiled at her relaxed form. 

Her belly was already showing ever so slightly. Healers said she's now 4 months in, turns out we kept getting a bunch of false negatives, we did have those potions for a while, they might've expired. She had her bump, it was small, but you could see it if you knew about it. The healer actually said she's actually bigger than what would normally be a 4 month belly. Then again, this is our second within a year and a half, her body might not have fully recovered from her first.

Still crazy to think, she was pregnant during the Day of Unity, we could've lost everything, Amari, Hunter, and each other. But now we're here, in a tank, with 2 kids, and one on the way. You know, 3 years ago, if you had told me I would be married, with nearly 3 kids, I would've laughed at you, called you insane, and hit you upside the head.
I never would have even considered having a family, I thought I was happy on my own, but then... YN showed up again, after nearly 20 years, she just fell right back into my life, literally. If she hadn't fallen into the muck back in the forest, I never would've caught her, and then we wouldn't have gotten here.

I love this woman so much, and now she's carrying yet another one of my kids.
I wonder if my parents are alright, her parents aren't around. Her dad hasn't even met Amari. Maybe one day, when life goes back to normal, we could have a big family, and a house, a big house, not in a castle or a house thats in shambles.

Something spacious, where we can just... be normal. 


"What the hell!" YN's voice rang through my head as I shot up, scrambling as I made my way to our walk in closet, she was looking at her belly.
"It's bigger than yesterday! Like significantly!" She turned to me, pointing at her belly. I came over and put my hands on her stomach, feeling it as she looked at me.

"Nothings gonna fit!" She cried, tossing the shirt in her hands to the side.
"Well your pants certainly don't seem to be..." I tried closing them, but they just popped back out.
"I was no where near this big last time, you could barely tell I was pregnant then! I look like I did when I was 6 months! Not 4!" She yelled, turning to her side of the closet and ripping her clothes off the hangers and onto the ground. Her pendant was glowing again before a burst of magic flew from her, knocking me back into the laundry.

"Song bird, calm down! It's fine! Maybe Eda has something for you while I make you something that will fit"
"You want me to wear something of Eda's?! Are you serious?" She snapped, growling at me before I decided to run, I walked into the living room, seeing Hunter playing a game with Gus on the tv before I tried to get some coffee.

"Everything ok? Why's mom yelling?" He asked, still focused on this shooting game.

"Your mother is-"

Hunter paused the game, making both him and Gus look at me.

"What did you do?" Gus snickered as Amari waddled over to them, sitting next to Hunter.
"I made a dumb suggestion"
"JUST WEAR MY CLOTHES!" I yelled back before I realised I was now as good as dead.

YN stomped out wearing my pants and a sweater.

"See? The pants fit!" I smiled, knowing my fate was sealed. I could've sworn I saw her eye twitch.
"Darling... I know you're a little moody due to the hormones, but-"
"Yes ma'am! Leaving!" I scrambled for the door opening it, and leaving quickly. I heard laughter before turning and seeing Alador in the hall, laughing at me.

"Hormones?" He raised a brow, smiling.
"Like you wouldn't believe" I huffed, walking with him towards the engine.
"Odalia was like that when she had the twins, her hormones were really messing with her. The eyebages I got? Not from the kids..." He smirked, reminising about his family.

"Odalia never could keep her mouth shut"
"Nope, then again... YN is quite the oposite, so I'm surprised she's like this"
"No, I just made a dumb sugestion when she was upset about her clothes not fitting. She got really moody the last few months of her first pregnancy, but I mean... we still have 5 months and if it'll only get worse as it goes on... pray for me" I shuddered at the thought.

"I think you'll be fine, her body is just getting used to the changes again, she's gonna be irratable for a while before she finds a balance" Alador walked into the engine, waving at me as I made a turn towards the offices, heading for mine.

This was gonna be a long 5 months.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now