Chapter 5

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I woke up with a start, seeing I was still in Terra's room... I still remember everything! The spell worked! YES! I did my little happy dance before walking to the door and leaving. Looks like Terra was gone.
"Song bird! I was worried when you weren't there this morning!" Darius called, walking to me and grabbing my hand.
"Are you alright?" He asked, examining me.
"I'm fine, Darius. Terra found me and made me drink her weird tea. I still remember everything though so it's no worries" I smiled, gently pulling my hand back and looking at his worried expression. He seemed to have been processing what I told him before shaking his head.
"I just came from a meeting, Belos is sending me to the knee to search for Titans blood since Kikimora is straight up incompetant. I need you to join me, aparently some griffins moved into the caves and no beast keepers are handy" He groaned, not happy about travelling to the cold. I nodded my head and started towards the bard center. I needed to change my clothes. Once we got there I led Darius to my office and he inspected the very messy couch.

"I still can't believe you're willing to live in this office... depressing" He sighed, inspecting the blankets.
"Rats, your blankets were a feast for them, holes and tears... You would think a second hand bard would have better than this..." He proded, turning to look at my bookcases while I changed, he stayed where he was, waiting for me to finish up. I put on some black shorts, and a dark red tank top, I put on the brown straps to hold my pouches and my instruments. I placed my lyre on my back and my ocarina in it's side pouch, before grabbing my wallet, scroll, and keys before placing them in a seperate pouch. I put spare strings, and cleaning clothes and wipes in the last pouch, before finally putting my hair up in a low ponytail.

"Being a second hand in a coven doesn't pay as well as people think. By the end of the day I barely have any snails for food. And I can't live in the castle because I'm not a coven head, and I can't afford a house right now. So my office here, is the best I've got. I'm sorry you find my rat bitten blankets offensive" I sneered, looking around briefly. I opened a drawer and smiled as I saw Socks cuddled up with a little pillow. She woke up, chirping happily and jumping on my shoulders.

"We should get going, are scouts meeting us there?" I asked, dusting myself off and heading for the door. When I looked back to the books, Darius was gone.
"Prick" I muttered, closing and locking my door, heading outside.
He probably teleported to the caves already. Thanks for waiting. Guy has the audacity to insult my living situation, then fucking leave without me. 

Real mature, Darius.

I hopped on Socks and flew down to the caves, releshing in that old cold feeling I missed. I loved the cold, it never bothered me at all. Reaching the caves, I let my thigh high black boots touch the fluffy snow beneith up, as Socks transformed back and rested on my left shoulder. Abomination goop rose from the entrance, Darius emerging from it.
"You're finally- WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU WEARING?!" He shouted, marching over to me and grabbing my shoulders.
"Are you not cold?!" He yelled out, shaking my lightly. I scoffed and brushed his hands off of me, walking into the caves without another word.

We walked through the saves, coming across numerous scout groups, one holding Kikimora. We walked past her group, seemingly unnoticed. I haven't interacted with her all that much, but each time we crossed paths, she was pathetic. It was straight up embarrasing watching her parade around like she of all people was making a difference.
"If you need a coat, I can make you one" Darius spoke up, arms stuffed in the pockets of his coat.
"I'm fine, unlike you, I like the cold" I muttered out, I wasn't happy with him ditching me back at my office.
"Upset about something, Song Bird?~"
"~oh for the love of Titan! Stop calling me song bird! If you hadn't ditched me at my office, we could've gotten here twice as fast! Also you've got some nerve insulting my living situation Mr Coven Head! Like holy mother of mercy can you BE any more stuck up?!" I yelled, my voice echoeing through the tunnels, causing it to shake, rocks falling from the cieling. I quickly grabbed my lyre and strummed it, breaking the rocks above my head. Turning on my heels, I headed back towards Eclipse Lake, leaving Darius speechless as he hesitated to follow. 

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now