Chapter 12

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I couldn't manage to fall asleep, I was tossing and turning all night. The pain was growing, could I really handle another day like this? The Day of Unity was tomorrow. Maybe if I just stayed in my room for the day, I would be fine. I stood, heading to the washroom and cleaning my face. I decided to take a shower, it might help.
The water was hot, it was actually soothing. I realised that the color was nearing my elbows. I don't understand what's happening, maybe I should research this. I got out, drying off my hair and changing into a sweater and jeans. I grabbed the gloves, sliding them on before applying the lipstick again. I walked out, heading to the library. It was 5am, but because I live in the castle now, I'm allowed in the library on my own. It was a lovely place.

I began browsing the books, looking for anything that could lead to what's happening. One caught my attention, a book called "Magic Illnesses". Simple title, but it might have something I need. I grabbed it, along with some ancient magic books before sitting down and skimming through them. Some of them had one symptom, but not the others. I wasn't really able to find any one thing that explained what was happening. Not even the ancient books had what I was looking for. This was exhausting. After a few hours, I finally gave up, tired. Once I got back to my room, I went back to bed, not sure if I was actually tired enough to sleep or not. Luckily I did manage to fall asleep.

My dream was weird though.

I was walking around, it looked like the boiling beach. But the water was that black gunk. I didn't quite understand what was happening, but then I saw a golden glimmer a little farther into the muck. It wasn't boiling, so I decided to try and swim. I managed to get to the golden spot, but it was under the water, I sucked in a breath, diving under. It wasn't feeling like the gold bit was getting any closer. I couldn't hold my breathe anymore, so I tried swimming back up, but the surface never came. I wasn't getting anywhere, in any direction.

My lungs began aching, begging for air as I desperately tried to get to the surface. My vision blurred as I opened my mouth, sucking in, but I only inhaled the goop, causing me to cough uncontrollably.

I woke up, coughing, choking as I fell to the floor. I hit my hand against my chest, trying to get the gunk out, but nothing was working. Using magic would only make it worse. I was running out of air. I gagged, trying to find anything to help, until I finally did.

Rat poison.

I swallowed it, before I folded over myself, finally vomitting and getting everything out. I'm so glad to have tile flooring right now. I managed to suck in a breathe before throwing up again. This continued for about 10 minutes before I was able to grab some water, washing my mouth out and collapsing, taking deep breathes to get my blood flowing again. I laid there, catching my breathe before sitting myself up. I've gotta clean this up, I grapped a mop, mopping it all up and washing off. I slid my sleeves up, seeing the color was now past my elbows. I walked to the living room, sitting on the couch and putting my feet on the step stool.

My feet are black now, I rolled up my pants, seeing it was nearing my knees. This really isn't good... I should be ok until after tomorrow. It's spreading slow enough. I checked the clock, It was 3pm, I did get back to bed at 9, so I slept for 6 hours. There was a knock on the door, I panicked, I didn't have anything on to cover me. 
"Just a moment!" I yelled, running to my bedroom and changing quickly into my uniform, sliding the gloves on before re-applying the lipstick, I ran to the living room to see Raine on my couch.

"Sure, come on in" I rolled my eyes, sitting next to them. They stayed silent, looking at nothing in particular before Socks jumped off of them and came to me.

"Raine, are you-"
"Why would you put Eda against me like that? We had a fight after you left, and judging how Darius came from the balcony and flipped a table, I'm assuming you two didn't leave on the best terms last night" Raine spoke suddenly, anger written into their words.

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