Chapter 14

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Raine's POV:

I woke up, it was peaceful in here. I gave Eda a kiss on her head before I heard someone crying quietly. I sat up, careful not to disturb Eda. I looked around, trying to find the source.

"hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot...... hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot" Hooty was fast asleep beside Lilith, but his head was stretched around the cave, ending at.... YN...
I watched her for a minute, she was sitting a little further from us all against the cave wall. She was wrapped in a hug by Hooty, who had fallen asleep as she cried into him. When did they become friends? Hooty creeps me out, personally. 

I wasn't sure what to do, she's obviously upset, but I don't know if she wants to talk about it right now. I must've pushed a boundary, she might not even be pregnant, she didn't have the best living situation before the castle, she probably just gained weight from finally eating properly.

YN wouldn't just have unprotected sex, or so I would assume.

I decided to talk to her, so I gently got out of the sleeping bag, causing Eda to stir before falling back asleep. I walked over to YN, sitting beside her, she hasn't noticed me.

"YN?" She shot her head up, looking at me.
Her eye bags are back, she hasn't slept, has she...

"Raine... sorry, I'm just overwhelmed from today, so much happened and it's hitting me all at once... The kids are missing, the boiling isles are being torn apart, I almost died from a bile sack insfection, and I'm- uh... feeling like a failure... I even tried calling my parents..."
"You tried calling Sabine and Robert? Jeez, things must be bad if you tried to call them again"
"Yeah... I mean are they alive? Did they survive the draining spell? I don't know... am I a bad daughter?" She did her best to stay quiet, trying not to wake Hooty, mostly.

I scooted closer, tapping Hooty's head as he woke up, he looked around before locking eyes with me. I motioned my head, telling him to head back to Lilith. He nodded before unwrapping YN, nuzzling her face before going back to his little house backpack. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into a conforting hug.

"I don't think so, I think they were bad parents... I mean they left you with no money, and a shabby house while they moved to a mansion without even telling you.... and you weren't even 20 yet" I sighed, rubbing her arm as she looked away. I frowned, she really was in a funk.

"I don't really know how I feel... I didn't have much to lose... I know Eda is worried sick about Luz and King, but we're not sure of what we can do as of now... we don't even know what's happening with the isles... So I guess I'm not that stressed, which sucks in the sense that I don't really know how you feel" I tried to laugh it off, but I was failing miserably.

"You know, I thought I would have nothing to lose, but then Darius came back into my life, and I got closer to Eber... you introduced me to the CAT's, and then Hunter came around... people just kept coming back to me, and now I feel like I've lost it all" She choked out, rubbing her eyes as she finally stretched her legs out, leaning back.

"Well... Eber, Darius, the CAT's, and I are safe here with you... I'm sure Hunter is out there somewhere as well... so maybe it just feels like you've lost it all, but everyone's here"
"Is alive, he's tough. I'm sure all of them made it out, they're all very powerful witches" I nudged her side, making her laugh. Now we're getting somewhere.

"You need to sleep, YN, come on" I smiled, helping her up as we headed back to the others. She got back in bed, and so did I. Finally falling asleep again.


I waited until Raine fell asleep again, before I got back up. I've gotta do something. Darius was still knocked out, so I didn't have much trouble getting up again. I grabbed Socks, and Hooty and left the cave. Hooty stirred in his sleep before waking up, looking around as I got on Socks and began flying.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon