Chapter 25

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I woke up, pain pulsing through my body as I struggled to stay warm. My body is having trouble staying warm again. When I opened my eyes again, the door was open, and Amari was standing at the door.

"What the... noodle how did you get out of your crib?" I smiled and struggled to get up.
"Penny!" She smiled as a small penguin waddled out from behind her.
"Oh your palisman hatched! But you can't use her to escape bed time, ok?" I picked her up, gently letting Penny into the palm of my hand as I walked back to the nursery.

I'm thinking of putting a safety lock on her door if this is how she's gonna be. That and I should give her a floor toddler bed, you know, like a mattress on the floor so she can sleep how she likes, while still being able to move around her room. I might do that now actually.

With a wave of my hand, her crib turned into a mattress that rested on the floor, I quickly baby proofed her room before placing a safety lock on her door. I set her on the mattress, before kissing her goodnight and closing the door. Watching as she snuggled under the blankets with her new palisman.

~3 month timeskip~

"I... don't think I can handle another negative, Darius... It doesn't help that Amari has been begging for a sibling, and I can't provide..." I wiped tears from my eyes, refusing to let them fall. Darius wrapped me in his arms before taking the potion vile from me.

"Would you like me to do it?"
"... sure, that might help" I shrugged as he placed the swab in my mouth, sticking it under my tongue before snapping it into the vile and shaking it.

"If this is negative, I think I want to stop trying for a while" 
"That's fine, Song bird" He kissed my forehead, before looking at the vile, I clenched my eyes shut, not wanting to see yet another yet vile.

"YN, look"
"I don't want to... I can't handle it again"
"Well I think it's a lovely shade of purple" I shot my eyes open, looking at the purple vile in his hand.

"No way... I'm not broken!"
"You were never broken!" He cried, picking me up and spinning me around in our living room. I was crying and laughing before Hunter came out of his room.

"Uh... did we find a way to stop the Collector? Why are we celebrating?" He tilted his head before pouring himself a glass of water in the kitchen. Darius set me down and wiped tears as he laughed.

"No, your mom is just pregnant agai-" Hunter had water shoot out from his nostrils and mouth before he began coughing violently.
"That bad, huh?" I patted his back before he turned abruptly and hugged me tight.
"NO! No... I'm excited!" He cheered, before running back into his room and calling Willow.

I walked outside, heading down the hall before I was grabbed and pulled into a room. I yelled before a hand slapped onto my mouth.
"E-eda? What the fuck you scared the shit out of me!"
"SHUSH! We think we figured out the disk thing!" A very sleep deprived Eda stared into my soal and pulled me to the table with the disk.

"We were right! It needs Titan blood to work! A drop of Titans blood on the disk, and the subject will pull it into the disk!" She rubbed her hands together as I stared at her.
"How... how did you figure it out?"
"I uh... spilled some blood on my sandwich... now it's in there" She pointed at the now empty plate, then at the disk.

"So we have what we need... but how would we get close enough to the Collector, that we could actually do this? Even with the medallions he can tell we're near him, and the moment we put blood on him, who knows what he'll do to counter it. He could kill all of us" I grabbed the disk, looking in the reflection, and seeing the sandwich somewhere in it. This made me want to laugh.

"There actually is a problem with this, yes it'll trap him again... but it could also trap King along with him... and... you"
"Wait, me?"
"Yes, you made a deal with the Collector, right?" Her words made my heart stop, I did... I promised not to return to his castle.
"I did... so anyone who's done a pinky swear... they risk getting pulled in" My body felt numb, as I pondered the thought of being trapped. But at the same time... if life could be put back to normal, maybe the sacrifice could be worth it. But then again... King...

"So what do we do?" I spoke softly before the door opened, revealing Raine with a sandwich.
"Uh... Eda wanted me to make her a new sandwich..."
"No problem Raine, we were just talking about a game plan" I shrugged as Eda took the sandwich, shoving the entire thing in her mouth and chewing loudly as Raine and I grimaced.

"So, I noticed that titan objects can't be trapped"
"Titan objects?" Raine questioned as Eda drank some water.
"Yeah! Like I couldn't trap a vile of Titan's blood! But I could trap an empty vile" Eda smiled and tossed her glass at the wall, watching it shatter.

"Eda, I think you need sleep before we speak about this more"
"Nonsense! I'm finally on to something! We could save EVERYONE!" She yelled before face planting onto the table and rolling onto the floor unconcious. Raine and I looked at eachother before we both went to pick her up and carry her back to their room. 

"Uh... so Darius and I..."
"Are you two alright?" Raine's pupils shrank as they looked at me, before opening their door and helping me drag Eda to their bedroom. They're room was very similar to the photos of Eda's bedroom in the Owl House. The 'nest' was just a regular bed, but in the shape of a nest. The furniture was wicker. It was very pretty. 

We plopped Eda down, watching her snore soundly before Owlbert came down from his perch and rested on her hair. We went into their living room, as I saw two other doors, one that had Luz's name, and one that was for... King...

"Eda wanted to be ready... says our son will need a room when he comes home" Raine removed their glasses, rubbing the bridge of their nose with their fingers before placing them back on their face. I hugged their side, before without thinking I just blurted out-
"-I'm pregnant again" Raine pulled away from me quickly, looking me up and down, asking if I was serious with their expression.

"I'm serious"
"Your... you're in your mid 40's... your shit STILL works????" They looked directly at my stomach before back up to my eyes.
"Aparently" I laughed before Raine hugged me. 
"I get to renew my Uncle Lisence!" They cheered, after a while, Raine decided to go with Uncle, though I told them Amari could just call them Raine.

My scroll pinged, before I checked to see Darius texting me to come to the lobby with Raine. I thought it was an emergency, so we got up, running to the lobby, only to see that Amari was playing with Hooty and Penny. She was sliding down Hooty's body and laughing, before landing and having Hooty wrap her up and place her back at the top. Darius was standing their filming as Penny angrily stomped around Hooty, thinking he was hurting her.

"Darius I thought this was an emergency..."
"It is, this is funny" He laughed as Penny pecked at Hooty, him just ignoring the palisman and continuing to play with Amari. 
I started laughing at the moment, Raine joining me before Hunter, Luz, and the others came by.

"There's trappers all over Latissa ruins! Willow and Hunter saw hostages!" Luz yelled before a handful of people followed them, Darius and I staying in our spot.

If what Eda said was true, King will be safe no matter what. But now... I could get trapped as well. If Eda can wait another 8-9 months, I'm more than fine with the sacrifice, but before then... I'm not sure what to do...

There's gotta be a way to protect all of us, including me, right?

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora