Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Bonnie)

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Was this it? Just endless waiting? How much longer until he could reach you? Could you continue to hold out? Bonnie hoped you could.

He could hear Freddy pacing, it was obvious Freddy was worried too but didn't say much to voice his concerns. Everyone was just as worried. But Bonnie knew what he felt was different compared to them.

He still felt guilty, he wished still he could have come home with you. Even if he knew there wasn't much he could have done it was the effort that counted to him. (Though he'd still beat himself up even if he had been there and you had gotten taken.) And on top of it all the pizzeria was closing.

No one really mentioned that either, but it was another thing that lingered in the back of their minds. He wanted to be positive. Pretend that with the close he could run away and remain with you! Play pranks on your friends, if you still did that sort of thing, and just enjoy being with you.

But there was that silent fact in the back of his mind. He knew it was all just wishful thinking. This place even when it's closed, is all he's ever known and it's all he ever will know.

Bonnie impatiently tapped his foot draping his arms behind him against the booth. Eyes staring down the hallway intensely as if he half expected you to walk through it one more time. Again wishful thinking.

Bonnie looked up towards the ceiling, this waiting was killing him. Why did they have to trust that grape? Why did he have to go along with it? (He just had this primal instinct to hate his guts, but it wasn't for the same reason goldie did.)

You were alone. Scared, hurt most likely. And he has to sit here and wait. Bonnie closed his eyes for a moment taking a deep breath. He remembers being alone. He remembers that feeling of no one being able to save you. Just you, alone, in the dark with the creature that wants to kill you.

He didn't really remember much of Vincent killing him, just the man in the darkness guiding him as if he was the puppet master. He recognized that Vincent was almost possessed, and while he hated his guts it was nothing like goldie. (As mentioned before. Goldie was the only one who remembered everything, but he never said anything about it. Keeping close to himself.)

That same puppet master was going to kill you! But he knew you were missing. He was going to find you. Bonnie just couldn't sit any longer. Lifting his head Bonnie stood up about to just leave only to stop hearing the entrance doors opening.

At first, he wasn't sure who it was. Even if logic said it was Vincent, Bonnie was worried it was an intruder. He held his breath standing there blocking off one of the pathways to the main stage where Freddy was now standing instead of pacing. (Obviously he had heard the door too.)

Vincent emerged from the shadows of the hallway, lit cigarette laced between his teeth as he walked. It was almost like a light guiding him through the darkness before finally making it towards the natural source of light.

Vincent didn't realize he was being eyed by the two men as he took his cigarette out exhaling a large puff of smoke into the air. Bonnie crossed his arm, nose twitching with a sneeze wanting to come on from the smoke. (Honestly how gross. Could he get any worse?)

"Excuse me?" Bonnie couldn't help but sound a bit sassy, keeping his arms crossed, staring down Vincent with a narrowed gaze. Vincent finally caught his gaze making him roll his eyes towards Bonnie.

"Yeah, yeah. Give me a sec." Vincent took one more drag of his cigarette, seeming to try and enjoy the last moment of it. Then he dropped it to the floor smooshing it with his foot.

Bonnie just watched in disgust. He guessed he should have guessed he never would have thrown it away properly. Not that it mattered anymore. The place was closing. (It's always been a little dirty, there were just things that wouldn't get cleaned no matter how hard people tried.)

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