Chapter 13: Queen of the North

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Jon, Sansa, Pod, and Brienne arrived back at Winterfell early in the morning. They placed the horse and carriage back into the stable before practically sleeping walking to their beds. Winterfell was beautiful in the morning. The chill of the howling winds and the pure white snow let the Starks know they were finally home. There were important things to discuss about the future of Winterfell but for now they needed to rest. Jon barely said a word to anyone during their entire journey back. Despite not wanting to be King, he grew more and more enraged at the way they treated him. His mind was made up, he wouldn't stay in official Westeros territory any longer. He decided to keep that decision to himself for now. He wanted his final moments here to be somewhat peaceful. Jon was the first to leave the group, mumbling a goodbye before disappearing into the castle. Then Pod and Brienne went off to their chambers, and Sansa returned to hers.

After a few hours Sansa awoke from her chambers and prepared herself for the day. There was a knock on her door, so she rose to answer it. It was Pod, he came to let Sansa know that the news of Jon and King Bran had arrived through a raven just this morning. The castle stormed the great halls, demanding Sansa come down to discuss the fate of Winterfell. Sansa dismissed Pod from her chambers and drew herself a bath. She soaked in the tub for a while, letting the water wrinkle up her skin. When she was out and dry, she dressed herself in a yet another beautiful hand-stitched raven colored gown. She brushed her hair out, and added two braids that connected against the back of her head. Sansa rose to her feet, moved towards the door and took in her last deep breath as Lady Sansa.

When Sansa first entered the meeting chambers she was surprised to see that all of the knights of Winterfell, including Brienne, were already there. As she walked down the center aisle they began to kneel. Sansa held her breath in realization of what was happening. She wasn't expecting them to be prepared for her coronation this soon.

"All Hail, Lady Sansa Stark, The Queen of The North!" A knight shouted while thrusting his sword up in the air. Then the man kneeled.

Sansa continued to walk, feeling more than grateful for her community. The fact that they trusted her enough, especially being a woman, to rule over them as an Independent. Sansa finally arrived outside of the meeting chambers. Two men pushed through the crowd to move the other chairs once occupied by members of her family. There was only one chair left, a throne with two wolves replacing the ears of the chair. A sudden pool of tears began to form in the back of Sansa's eyes, she never saw herself crying when she became the Queen in her dreams as a child. She quickly wiped her face before sitting down on her throne for the first time. Then Brienne appeared holding the Queen's newly forged crown. The bulk of its circular shape was made of solid iron chainmail, two ferocious wolf heads sat and the ends smelted together to form the singular point in the middle of the crown. Both Sansa and Brienne thought it was a beautiful piece, one made specifically for a beautiful ferocious girl. She placed it on top of Sansa's head with a smile on her face.

"The Queen of The North!" They chanted one last time.

The people in the room then settled, giving Sansa a turn to speak to her people for the first time, as Queen of the North. Sansa rose to her feet once again before opening her mouth.

"I know some of you might doubt what sort of leader I'll be. You were devoted to my brother Jon, as was I. But I assure you, ever since I left Winterfell, I've done nothing but fight to return and defend the North from all that threatened to see us perish" Sansa created a round of applause.

"I fought for our Independence and now we're free from the tyrants of the south! Now with your blessing, I swear to continue to do so, as not just Lady Stark of House Winterfell but Lady Stark of House Winterfell and your Queen in the North! " Sansa spoke to her people as if she was born for this moment.

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