Chapter 25: The New Lady of Dreadfort

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When the Lord Commander opened her eyes this morning all she could see was red. The bushy morning tossed ends of Sansa's hair would often find its way in Brienne's mouth throughout the night, but she never minded. She was surprised to see that her Queen was still in bed. Sansa was typically an early riser especially being that she ran an entire kingdom now. Often she would find her brushing her hair, or sewing together a new outfit, or stuffing her face with fruits before rushing off to fulfill her duties. But there she laid, sound asleep in the warm semi-cozy unfamiliar bed of Castle Dreadfort Brienne kissed the girl on the cheek before rolling out of bed and dressing immediately. There was a lot to do in Dreadfort today, especially if they hoped to arrive at Last Hearth soon.

Brienne wandered through the castle in search of the dining chambers. Although the castle was much smaller than Castle Winterfell, it still was foreign to the Lord Commander. Most of the men she passed were men of Wintefell. Although a decent portion of the 'Hawks' army had bent the knee, Sansa didn't feel secure in letting them roam the castle freely just yet. She knew that anyone who valued their lives above honor would bend the knee. So these men would have to work to prove their true loyalty to the Queen.

Brienne turned the corner revealing herself to the men still eating their soup. They all rose greeting their Lord Commander, Brienne dismissed them as soon as she began to feel her cheeks heat up. She readjusted her armor before confidently continuing her stride towards the bowls. Once her bowl was filled with the hot steamy onion scented soup she joined the men at the table. Ser Bael, Ser Craig, Ser, Galvin, Podrick, all sat together resuming their loud chatter once Brienne sat down.

"Good Morning, Lord Commander" Podrick spoke. Then a few more followed until everyone had said it.

"Good morning lads" Brienne replied before filling her mouth.

Brienne stuffed her face with food in attempts to fill her belly with as much food as possible before their day began. The men all watched from the corner of their eyes, trying not to offend their Lord as they chuckled at the sight. They were shocked to see how sloppily the woman ate.

"The Lord Commander has never been a tidy eater," Podrick commented.

This caused the men's laughter to rise in volume, Going from a snicker to a gut twisting laugh. Their chuckles distracted Brienne from the trance her morning hunger growl sent her into. She began to chuckle too, now noticing the several drops of creamy soup that missed her mouth rested at the edge of her chin and on her chest plate.

"How does a highborn Lady grow up to be as sloppy as you" Ser Galvin was the next to joke with her.

"Oh shut up. I've told you all, I may be a highborn, but I've never been a lady" Brienne spoke. "Enough about me anyways, are you all prepared for today. There's much to be done"

"Where's the Queen?" Ser Bael looked over his shoulder.

"Still in her sleeping chambers I suppose" Brienne replied shortly. She didn't want to discuss the whereabouts of the Queen from a non-professional perspective.

Faran entered the dining chambers with two women alongside her. They must've been other freefolk she knew before escaping this place. The three placed their soup bowls onto the table quite far from Sansa's men before sitting down. After finishing her meal quickly, she rose to her feet and joined them at the other side of the hall. She stood over their table feeling somewhat awkward at the way they all fell silent in her presence.

"Um... Brienne?" Faran looked at the blonde.

"That's Ser Brienne to you" Ser Galvin interrupted.

"I'll cut your balls off if you speak of that proper talk to me again" She grabbed a knife from what appeared to be out of thin air.

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