episode 24 - periods

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Aara's pov
I'm reading about the procedure of bypass surgery while waiting for ajjju in the cafe for almost two hour. Usually I wait Infront of this cafe , but sometimes I wait inside if he inform me he will he late . Today is one of that day. I never waited this long also today I had evening lectures that means the lectures ended around 6 and considering the time it's already pitch dark outside there is no way I walk to home and if I did so iam damn sure Arjun won't spare a minute to beat the shit out of me in the very next moment when he came to know about my dead .. I already tried calling him. A nurse picked the call and said it will take another hour to complete the surgery. From my calculations I should have wait at least for another 40 minutes. Again I went to my notes. I have exams day after tomorrow . But this is really interesting. I should have consider doing my special in cardiology . Leave it I have a lots of time for selecting . I felt some pain in my lower abdomen. But I shrugged off the pain . But just after a few minutes again but this time it was really a bad cramp . Holy sh.t . Not today pls pls . But suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder. I raised my head to see arjun standing there. Did he saw anything. " Are you ok " is the first thing came from his mouth. I startled lil but " yeah... yeah...I was just lost in this chapter. '' I lied while packing my stuffs . He stared at me for some secs and " hmm ok let's go. shall we order something for dinner " he asked walking towards the car. " Yeah sure " I said getting inside the car. " Are u ok u look tired . " I asked he looks exhausted . " Yeah I badly need a nap " he said concentrating on the road . Oh so this is the reason why he didn't dig a lot about my state . Thank god ....
Time skipped
He asked me order anything and a caeser salad for him after going home at went to take a nap. I know him. Why is he love healthy food this much even when you are ordering from out ewww . Anyways iam happy that he didn't force me to eat the same. I ordered a pepperoni pizza with a Pepsi and salad for him .
Aaaaah I screamed when I felt like someone punching in my lower abdomen. S.it I forgot to check cause I was busy with ordering dinner . I immediately went to the room . Not our room to mine . I just sleep with ajju mostly I use the room which I used when I came her cause I really like my privacy . I immediately went to the bathroom and checked and yes " periods " . Uff I hate my life. Why did this came today . I have exams day after tomorrow. I mean I never had painful periods from the day of my first periods . Tbh I never feel any things but that's is the problem I used stain . So I have to take restroom breaks more frequent to make the situation under control . But what should I do while exams . I cleaned myself thinking this when my phone started ringing. It's from the delivery person. I received the parcel and kept in the dinning table . I went to wake up arjun another cramp . I almost fell down in pain . When it was ok I woke up arjun and called him for dinner. He was glaring me for the whole time while I was eating. What the he.k he is the one asked me to order anything right . Once he was done with his food " Good night bub . " He kissed in my head . " Good night " I replied. He started walking towards the room . Then suddenly I remembered about my today's misery . " Hmm ajju .... "I called him . He turned towards me and " yes " . " Aaah ..... Can I sleep in my room today ? " He looked at me blankly . " That I .. need to study .... I am going to study laying on the bed . U are tired right but I will distrub u if we stay in same room. " Literally the worst excuse . He looked at me confused for a few minutes then " hmm ok ". He walked towards his room and I went to mine. I don't want arjun know about this . I started studying . After Few minutes my abdomen started hurting really bad . I never experienced something like this before. I have heard my friends talking about period pain. But I never no this will be this worse. Alone with the cramps I felt nauseous . I went to the bathroom with the help of the wall and vomited my whole dinner . It's almost an hour after all of these started even now it's hurting . Hurting without a break . Moreover my whole body is aching and shivering in pain . I can feel my temperature is high maybe because of pain . I started curled like a ball in the bed . But in very next movement I turn and twist my position to endure the pain . My both toes were curled. My head is aching really bad . I want someone's comfort now . Someone to take this pain away from me . Should I call Arjun . Then the reality hit me. Why I tried to hide this from him . After some months of getting iron dextran , my hemoglobin level was stable so we shifted to the oral medicine. I know what you are thinking yes I did that. I skipped the medicine . Don't scold me. I didn't do that on purpose. I just ......
forgot . Now I'm having a heavy bleeding. I should start taking them at least from now. I went to my cupboard slowly and took the tablets . They were expired. Why not it's more than 6 months. I didn't take the new packet from our room if I go and take them now he will definitely find out every thing. What should I do now ........ Yes rest ..... I should sleep . I will be better in the morning . Right ? I slowly went towards the bed I'm feeling really weak . Even I couldn't able to walk . I took the water bottle and drank some water before laying on the bed. I twisted And twisted for a long time and then finally slept .
" Aara aara " I felt someone tapping my face while calling my name . I opened my weakly to face worried Arjun . The next moment I was fully awake when I realized the situation . If I say I was shocked it was really an understatement.

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