Chapter 3

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 The growling in my stomach makes me wake up from the stiff sleep I slumbered. The burning in my stomach from the lack of food makes me groan in discomfort. Waking up starving and feeling like a corpse are both unpleasant combinations. 

Getting off the bed, I look over to the other bed and see my roommate is still sleeping. A noise resembling a motorcycle emerged from her parted lips. Maybe if I didn't have to deal with it throughout the night, id think it was somewhat cute but truth be told I'm hungry, tired, and annoyed, and it's only 8:30 am.

I need to shower and hopefully, that'll wake me up and relax me a bit. 

After my shower, I look at the clock and see it's 9:05 am. I took a 35-minute shower. Well, 6 minutes was me actually showering, and the rest was me standing there under the hot water thinking about food and stressing about the party I'll be attending later today.

Looking through my dresser for something comfy to wear. I find a pair of jeans and an oversize T-shirt with some white shoes.

I brush my hair and put it in a high ponytail, grab my bag and keys, and make my way downstairs to find a new cafe to eat at today.

I'm thanking my gods that the line to the cafe wasn't long at all. I say I received my food in about 5 mins. setting myself at a small two-seated table by the door, I take my phone and check my social media. There's nothing going on so I exit the apps and put my phone away, deciding to read my book instead.

Cleaning after myself, I head to meet my Uber. Planning on going shopping for the few items I need. I'm determined to make my room feel more me and I definitely need to buy a duvet among other things. 

The trip to the store was rather quick. I went in knowing exactly what I wanted and spent no time looking for unnecessary items. It didn't take long before I was back in my room.
By the time I get inside, I see that my roommate isn't there. I place my shopping bags on the bed and begin decorating. 

I got a picture frame to put a picture of my dog back home. He is the only thing I miss back in California. I stare at the picture of Bonny for far too long, the need to cry overwhelming me. Bonny was my only set of comfort. When the world around me was falling and burning, he was there, giving me his paw in a notion sense of comfort. 

I glue the colorful strip of LED lights around the headboard of my bed and turn it on to purple, setting the vibes to my room. I also bought a new book with quotes that I'll be ripping off and taping to my wall. The light purple duvet fits perfectly on my bed and the hunting feeling of wanting to plop my body on it is taunting. 

I take a step back to oversee how my side looks so far. I like it. I just need a plant or something to make it feel homier.

I check my phone to see the time and it's already 4 pm. The party starts in a couple of hours, therefore, I'll take this time to study a bit for Monday. 

At around 5:40 pm I close my books and notebook and put them back in my bag. As I head to the shower, I see that it is full. It's awkward. It's been empty the last few times I've been there. 

I wait my turn and make a mental note that ill need to be done in the count of 20.


I quickly go find something to wear. Since I have never been to a party before, I don't know what to wear. I turn my drawers inside out, making a mess before me. The thought of how I could have bought myself an outfit when I went to the store earlier hits me and I want to slap myself for not thinking. 

After a while of looking for something decent enough to be deemed appropriate for the event, I settle on a short black dress with small white flowers on it. I look at myself in the mirror and hate it but when the time on my phone signals that I only have 20 minutes to get ready, I leave it on. 

I start to head to the party

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I start to head to the party. Danny told me how to get there and it seems like it was on the other side of campus. I feel like I've been walking for a while. Finally, after what felt like 3 hours, I start to hear music in the distance, alerting me that I'm close.

I'm standing outside what looks like some townhouses. This looks even nicer than the dorm buildings. I think this is where the students that have money get to stay.

The houses look more like something you'd see in the suburbs. The dark tan siding and black shingles fit in with the buildings around though. Theres only three doors, which indicates that it's only three houses. however, it seems like one house is at least three floors inside. It's super nice. Smells money for sure. 

As I'm making my way inside the house, I see a familiar blue hair girl walking my way.

"Omg, I'm glad you came. Danny told me he had invited you." Alyssa says as she steps closer to me and pulls me into a hug.

This girl is a hugger. I feel weird.

It's not that I don't like hugs, but the only hugs I've ever enjoyed came from Bonny or my grandma. The two only people in my life that cared for me. 

"Yeah, he was convincing," I tell her playfully.

"Well, let's head inside and grab a drink." Alyssa grabs my hand and drags me inside the house.

As soon as the door opens, the music instantly grows louder. Club lights are the only thing shining among the bodies of dancing people as I walk past them. The house is even better looking inside. Everything looks modern. It's very spacious and it has white walls with black shiny tile floors.

Alyssa is walking fast while pulling me through the crowd of people dancing and making out. I feel very out of place here. Ever turn my head makes there's either someone kissing or someone almost ripping their clothes off in front of everyone near them. My mouth starts to feel dry as my heart beats at a fast pace. 

We make it to the kitchen where all the drinks are at. The large counter space is cluttered with all kinds of alcoholic beverages. A small collection of chips stand near the end. 

"Here, have a beer." Alyssa hands me the red cup with the bubbly drink. 

"Thanks," I accept the drink and go for my first sip, my tongue sticking out in disgust.

"I'm assuming you don't drink huh?" She giggles.

"Nope, I don't. But I guess I had to at some point." I offer her a smile and eye the open space in front of me. Looking at all the people who are laughing and smoking. 

"You are going to have so much fun! Let's get you drunk." she lifts her cup in the air and grabs my hand, leading me to the dance floor. 

After three cups total of alcohol for me and six for Alyssa, we danced until literally sweat was sliding down my back. Suddenly feeling sticky and having the urge to pee from all the liquid, I tell her I need to go to the bathroom. Making my way over, pushing people out of the way as I sway.

Before I can even make it, I find myself hitting a wall. With no time for me to process what just happened, I'm being kissed hard by this stranger I keep crossing paths with. I want to protest but I can't seem to break the kiss, sobering me up. 

Soon after though, I gather some strength and step away from him, and before I can even stop myself I lift my hand and slap him across the face.


Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now