Chapter 6

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I couldn't wait to get out of there. I needed to stop watching what was happening in front of my eyes.

Running as if my life depended on it, I made it outside of the dorm.

It's raining right now and I don't even care that I'm getting soaked. I hate how loud my heart is beating and how I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach and not in a good way.

With the rain hitting my face, I can still feel how warm my tears feel against the cold rainwater on my skin.

Why am I crying? Why do I feel like I got sucker punched in the face?

I go to lean against the brick wall by the stairs that lead you to the dorm. I need to stop thinking right now. I don't know why I feel hurt but it needs to stop.

As if the universe was listening to me, Danny approaches me.

I'm so glad he's here. He looks so good with the rain hitting his tall frame and messy blonde hair that looks dark right now.

He's wearing a button-up shirt with jeans. The shirt is now wet and sticking to his body and I can tell he is very fit.

As Danny gets closer to me I see his eyes gazing all over my body before landing on my eyes.

"Why are you down here in the middle of this rain?" I look at Danny's lips before I'm able to answer him back.

Licking my lips and played with my fingers because I don't know if I should tell him what I witnessed. "I like the rain. It brings peace to me. What about you? Why are you over here walking in the rain?" I look down at my feet.

"I was coming to find you actually. I was going to invite you to watch a movie over at my place." He says stepping closer to me and motioning me to sit on the stairs so we don't keep getting wet.

"Well, I would love to." I would do anything to get out of here at this moment.

Normally I would have rejected him because it's only Monday and I do have class tomorrow.

But I can't go back to my room. I want, no, I need to forget what I saw. And even more so, I want to get rid of this feeling.

The guy and I only shared one kiss. A stolen kiss at that. And I want to be mad, but I can't.

Danny grabs my hand which snaps me from my annoying thoughts. Danny leads me to his dorm.

Danny's room is what you'll imagine a guy's room would look like. Messy desk, full of papers and books. A few shoes and shirts on the floor. I think I spotted a condom wrapper in his trash also. He has a model in a very cheeky bikini hanging from the wall and a playboy magazine hiding under his pillow. I've also realized he doesn't have a roommate.

"Here you can wear this if you want so you don't stay in your wet clothes." Danny hands me a black t-shirt.

"Turn around" I motion to him with my fingers before stripping off my uncomfortably wet clothes and putting his shirt on.

I've never worn anyone's clothes before and I like the fact that I'm wearing Danny's.

"Okay you can look now," I say shyly.

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now