Chapter 20

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Right this moment I wish the ground beneath me would open and swallow me whole.
My biggest nightmare is standing right in front of me and I have nowhere to hide.
As my stepdad takes a step forward, I take a step backward. Not wanting to be close enough for him to touch me.

Chills run down my spine at the smirk he carries and the intensity of his stare.
Feeling like a scared little kid, I hug myself. Closing my eyes hoping that when I open them, the bad man will be gone.

But it doesn't work like that.

No matter how many times I close and open my eyes, he is still here. Standing in front of me.

I can feel his hands touching my boobs. I don't breathe. I know this is wrong but I don't know how to make him stop.

His hands massage my left breast while his other hand is drawing circles on my lower back. Wanting him to stop I attempted to move away but was soon stopped by a slap on my face. Tears form in my eyes. But I know I can't cry or it'll be worst.

"Be a good little girl for daddy." His cigarette breath hits me like a truck making me want to vomit.

"One day I won't have to force you. You'll come to me on your own. Begging me to touch you. Begging me to fuck you." He whispers the words in my ear.

As soon as I turned 12 I had already developed a bit of boob. An A cup really. But it seemed to be good enough for him. He become obsessed with my boobs, which sad to say, I was glad about because that meant he want to touch my vagina as often. Is it weird to say I rather him touch my tits than my vagina? Maybe, but I don't care. 

At the age of 13, he added forced kissing me. I can't even tell you the amount of time I went to throw up right after. He made me always feel so gross. I wish I had a life like a normal kid..

"Are you not going to say hello?" The serious tone of his voice makes my heart beat too fast.

"I-I"m late for class." Attempting to walk past him, he grips my arm hard.

Great, I'll have a bruise. I always end up with one.

"I'm sure you can skip just this once." His cigarette breath hits my skin and I start to feel nauseous.

I attempt to pull away from him, but failed, looking around to make sure no one can see this happening.

"I-I can't, I have a test tomorrow and need notes." I lie.

"I'm sure you've made friends no? They can pass the notes to you." He lets go of my arm and stands right in front of me, too close. "Come to one Maia, I'm only here until tomorrow. I missed you."

Oh thank god, I only have to deal with him today. I can feel my shoulders relax and my breath evening out.

"I wanna spend some time with you. Don't you want to spend time with me?" His attempt at puppy dog eyes almost made me roll my eyes at him.

No. "Sure, we can go eat something. I know a place." I tell him. Wanting to get out of the school grounds before anyone sees him and starts asking questions I don't want to answer. 

Let It Burn [18+] **Being Edited**Where stories live. Discover now